Many men hate women. They learned it that way. From their fathers, their religious writings, their grandfathers, leaders, politicians. They hate what seems weak to them, inferior, imperfect - with the strange openings from which it bleeds and drips. And they do covet it, and that makes them crazy to crave, to become stupid because of that, and yes, that would be the place to tell me that surely no one would want me, because many men share women like to hear that they do not desire them and most women, I have to say, do not give a fuck. Which many men can not imagine, because women are bodies that wiggle through the streets to be mated, to receive, to give birth, to cook, and to get up their noses, even if they talk.

Fifty million magazine and magazine pages are dedicated to Jordan Peterson, with reports in which younger or older journalists find it hard to hide their admiration. Peterson, who earns just fine money by dividing the world into male and female principles of order (chaos is feminine, order masculine) and with insecure men (women walk around the streets unaccompanied). How awesome.

He gives the perplexed ones (they still walk around in the streets, and now they talk) calm and strength, mixing psychology with political theses, the Bible with motivation training and confirming what we've all always known: men are good for something, women also, and when one leaves his place, the universe explodes. The theses are not new, they are found in various religious writings, in advertising, in films, books, political slogans and in pubs. Similarly, there are thousands of theories of intelligent female authors, philosophers and thinkers, the men due to their mental unstable disposition, the inability to perform senior positions confirm.

So some of them no longer find their place as the preferred sex in the turbocapitalist world race; the others have never had it before, they are used to being regarded as inferior beings. By laws, by men who have written laws and by oneself, they prefer to do what they supposedly do well: marry or not and have children, which usually means leaving the capitalistic food chain at one of the final places , Infinitely tiring and boring.

Mr. Peterson, with his variations, always the same reassuringly bullshit simplicity. Tireless the struggle of women, the anger of women, who, instead of being able to save the world, must fight to be perceived at all as a life equivalent to men. This madness. The species that tears itself apart. The one, the women, who unfortunately have to lead a revolution against the others, men, so that the simplest principle - we are human beings, we do not differ from our brain power, all alleged differences in structure and function of this organ are manipulative nonsense - reflected in the reality of life.

We are human and our enemies should be those who feed our livelihoods, ruining the planet. Our enemies should be the greed and the stupidity to believe that everything would be forever. We billions of sheep that we get distracted with hostilities and wars that are always initiated from higher interests of manipulation by a leading caste, and I'm not talking about lizards, but of those who own the capital, the country-sized companies, their political Enforcers, their Trumps and Putins, their Petersons and Sarrazin, who keep the crowd busy. Distracted. Rushing each other. Nothing would be simpler than teaching equality from the crib.

To create just conditions for all genders. In two generations, the gender wars would be forgotten, the incitement against people with a different skin color than the pink dito. What the world needs, our world, the social media with its hatred, and the struggles and hardships and not the world of those who have never heard of it, would be new thought leaders. Who write no tracts against another slave group, but try what has never been successful - to unite all. The seemingly impossible. Not to activate the man-made inclination to cruelty and hatred, but to strengthen the consciousness that without us billions the whole idiotic system would collapse. Nice utopia. Not new either. Passed already, but brings no advantage.

Most people are too easy to manipulate. They always subordinate themselves to the better off population. The apparent winners, and they despise those who are supposedly among them, the minorities, the women, the financially worse off. This is how it continues. And gives a few in the world a friendly peace.