What spread the myth in our Arab society! As it is immortal, not lost by the passage of time, strong, not defeated by facts, window, not interrupted by effort, breathtaking not undoing progress, rotary left no room but descended by, continuing, moving between the minds of people and their tongues, and the fact that the most common myths, People are the medical superstition; our Arab society, lacking medical awareness, lacks the desire to read, has no share of the civilization of the century, and its sciences, sunk in habit, captive in the prison of the monument and tradition. That camel urine will cure it from ten chronic diseases, and that goat's milk will eliminate its underlying pain .

But the myth has made its way into the land of modern civilization, but it is a myth other than the one in which we live here; it does not cause harm, nor does it exist in vain; it is based on scientific interpretation, but it is misrepresented, refuted, and explained. I do not believe that civilization knows no inhabitant Unlike Europe, I write this sadly, it is the truth - and the example of the myth that we all raised, and we chanted behind our mothers and fathers for long islands, how did the myth started? What are the most common medical myths in our Arab society? What are the facts that are rooted in our minds?

The first myth: "Islands strengthens the view"

Flu is a viral infection, and antibiotics only treat bacterial infections, so it's like trying to wear a 4-year-old baby shoe

In the Second World War, the British pilots had a new tool to change the rules of the game to find their enemies at night - radar - but the enemy learned of this new technology to the allies, and no doubt they would begin to copy; so the British army launched a rumor that its pilots have high visibility at night, The stories began to appear in the British press and the storytelling among people, so many began to eat the islands, and plant them in their homes. This was the beginning of the story. The myth is that the islands will not make you abandon your contact lenses, glasses, M It contains a percentage of vitamin A which plays an important role in the general health of the eye, hair, skin and immunity. Its rich sources are not limited to carrots such as milk, eggs and peas.

Myth 2: "Do not eat fish and eggs in cold and flu"

The most common myths among people, which have no scientific basis at all, are the opposite. Fish rich in oils - salmon, tuna, sardines and mackerel - are rich in omega-3 fatty acids - compounds that help reduce inflammation in the body, From work properly and can contribute to colds and flu, and these fish are a good source of vitamin D, which is used by immune cells in the body, a British study has indicated that vitamin D supplements can protect more than three million people from infections Cold or flu in the UK For the year, this comes in the wake of a report published in 2016 providing vitamin D supplements for all because officials worry that adequate levels may not be achieved through diet alone, so eating fish and eggs will break the myth.

Myth 3: "The antibiotic treats the flu"

The most dangerous myths are, and perhaps will not come what is hurt them, myth can not be believed by the mind; Flu is a viral infection, and antibiotics only treat bacterial infection, and then it is like trying to wear the shoes of a child at the age of four, , The most damaging thing is that you are helping to spread antibiotic resistant bacteria, in another language you are contributing to the revival of deadly diseases thought by humanity that they went without return, such as TB, so that it went beyond that, and the myth became wider; patients use antibiotics to treat any Another thing, like a magic healing stick, is not a preaching The impending disaster.

Myth 4: "Stop medication when it gets better"

Many people believe that once they feel better, and they are back to health, they should stop taking the drug. In fact, it is not, especially in some medications that require continuous periods of time, such as antibiotics, which will have serious consequences, Always complete the treatment period, as prescribed by the doctor, and do not want to take medicine without consulting the doctor, and follow the five rules of therapeutic effectiveness, and ask the doctor:
How many times a day should I take this medicine?
What is the dose at a time?
Do I eat it before or after food?
Does the drug affect my other medications?
How long will I use it?

The fifth myth: "depression after God and not a disease"

Hibiscus works to lower blood pressure, and this myth may lead to disastrous results, if applied to this heinous mistake

This myth runs out in the majority of Arab society as the heart beats; often leading to the suicide of the sick, especially the young ones, I mentioned in the fourth myth that it is the most harmful, but this myth is the most dangerous and harmful without a doubt; depression is a serious disease associated with diagnosis more psychological factors, It is much more complicated. Depression is no less dangerous than cancer. In recent years there have been deaths, the main cause of which is suicide. Perhaps the worst thing about this myth is that it is Make the society detract from the patient, deprives him of The right to treatment, and even mocks him sometimes, and push him to suicide.

Myth # 6: "You need to have supplements every day"

You may have heard a dietitian recommend another person to take supplements every day to have a good health, a strong body, and in fact no study or researcher confirms it, or agrees with him. The proper diet, which preserves the intake of vegetables, fruits, and domestic food, , Which is prepared in a healthy manner, ensures the maintenance of health and strength of the body, but in some cases may describe the doctor supplements, because they are part of the treatment, you should take in this case no doubt.

Myth 7: "Hibiscus heated raises blood pressure and cold cuts it"

Another myth, unfounded, has been common among patients, especially in Egypt; Hibiscus works to lower blood pressure, cold or hot, and this superstition, despite its perceived lack of importance in the eyes of some, may lead to catastrophic consequences , If you apply this terrible error, imagine with me that there is a patient with low blood pressure, and drank a good amount of hot hibiscus, to treat it, more wrong and deterioration, and blood pressure of deadly diseases that do not have room to understand with them in the event of such fatal errors .

The number of medical superstitions is large and can not be known in one article. Although we believe that standing up to every single fairy tale is the solution, we seek the illusion that spreading awareness, educating the public medically and providing them with basic information about the most important matters , And provide ways to search for the right information, is the solution, and the question is the key to all this, if you heard or read medical information from anyone, ask him why? And how? What is your source? If he utters a reprehensible answer, or if they say, or any of these repetitive sentences, do not listen to him, do not take what he says. Write to us also about the most common medical myths. , In your country, or think it is so, I will answer you, and tell me any myths here you think a scientific fact?