Mario is going to rob a bank, and Juan has appointed a new date for the “final” of the operation to overthrow the president of Venezuela. He is more than ever sure that the opponents of Nicolas Maduro will hold even more numerous demonstrations than ever. The protest is scheduled for May 1, as announced by Juan Guaido, who declared himself president in January. Apparently, this is, if not “robbery in Italian”, then certainly the overthrow of the current government in Venezuelan ...

But why such confidence in the success of the self-proclaimed Guaido? Is it not from the words of the Assistant to the President of the United States for National Security, John Bolton, that the American administration headed by Donald Trump intends to apply the Monroe Doctrine in its policy regarding Latin America? That is, the Venezuelan opposition’s confidence is based on the legitimacy of the United States: America will intervene, help, support — including by force. And then it's time to once again recall what the Monroe Doctrine is.

Without going into theoretical details, the essence of the Monroe doctrine can be expressed in the capacious formula "America for Americans." However, this formula itself does not express what seems to us at first glance, therefore, requires clarification. It was first heard on December 2, 1823 in the annual message of US President James Monroe at a time when participants in the Verona Congress (late 1822) announced plans to restore Spanish domination over the Latin American colonies that declared their independence.

In other words, Russia, Prussia and Austria authorized France to speak on behalf of the Holy Alliance against the Spanish revolution and extend the intervention to the former Spanish possessions. That is, at the time of the proclamation of the doctrine, the talk was about taking away from the USA a part of the territories to which this young state has become accustomed, considering them as its own.

Thus, in the Monroe Doctrine, it was not at all about the principles of national building of the United States, as it may seem at first, but about foreign policy. And this formula should literally be understood as “all of America for the United States,” which applies to all countries of both American continents, automatically defining them as externally controlled colonies dependent on the United States.

Many people know and remember this, while deliberately forgetting about the reverse side of the doctrine, and this is the most important thing. The condition for European non-interference in America’s affairs, which is becoming “for Americans”, was ... America’s non-interference in Europe’s affairs and in general in any affairs outside of America. This is a fundamental point, describing the balance of forces in the world, set forth in the doctrine.

In the presidential address, Monroe put forward the principle of dividing the world into European and American systems of government, and on this basis the concept of US non-interference in the internal affairs of European countries was proclaimed. In exchange, the United States asked for utter smallness — non-interference by European powers in the internal affairs of the countries of the Western Hemisphere.

In fact, the United States warned European metropolises that any attempt to interfere in the affairs of its former colonies in America would be regarded as a violation of the vital interests of the United States and would entail a tough reaction.

“The destinies of our nations will not be dictated by foreign powers. They will be formed by those people who call our hemisphere a home. Today we proudly proclaim that we hear everything that the Monroe Doctrine is alive and well, ”said Bolton.

Okay, as they say in your America, the Monroe Doctrine - so be it your way. But, as James Monroe, who proclaimed it, said, "we (the United States) have never participated in the wars of the European powers concerning themselves, and this is in line with our policy." And this is not good wishes - this is the law. The law is primarily for the United States and their politicians, which was subsequently repeatedly violated.

Referring to the Monroe Doctrine, the United States has trampled under them practically the whole of America - not only North, but also South. Monroe's appeals served as a cover for joining the US for more than half of the then territory of Mexico - the current “states” (states) of Texas, California, Arizona, Nevada, Utah, New Mexico, Colorado, part of Wyoming. And crushed by war.

But, not stopping on this, the United States moved on, destroying and breaking legal political regimes, invading states of America militarily, ignoring their opinions and interests, using the CIA and all available special services, arranging coups, bombing and again invading without any measures of conscience. Considering, as Henry Kissinger once said, the whole of America outside the United States as his "backyard."

And then came the moment of truth. Russia, referring to its interests, again, as in 1822, during the times of the Holy Alliance, no, does not yet call for the beginning of the process of returning the territories illegally seized by the United States, but simply stands up for the independence and sovereignty of one of the Latin American countries that lie far American fire and sword of the united states. And what do we hear in response? Monroe Doctrine as the main argument justifying interference in the affairs of Venezuela.

The Monroe Doctrine - and therefore the Guaido proclaims itself President. The Monroe Doctrine - and therefore blackout, hacking power plants in Venezuela by hackers from the United States. The Monroe Doctrine - and therefore, on May 1, the official overthrow of the legitimate President Maduro was declared a pro-American impostor.

Doctrine of Monroe? Then the USA does not concern everything that is outside of America. The Monroe Doctrine is the winding down of the American presence around the world, the completion of operations in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, the widespread closure of American military bases.

The Monroe Doctrine is a free Japan and the entire Asia-Pacific region, liberated from the American presence of Europe, the dissolution of NATO.

This is Africa, freed from American treachery and allowed to float Australia. Well, in the end, as the cherry on the cake - then why build a wall with Mexico? You really decide.

In the meantime, not only “Russian intervention in the affairs of Venezuela”, but also the demands to return Mexico to its territory and give independence to all United States that wish it, are completely legitimate, justified and legitimate. For the United States violated its own law, thereby disavowing all previous agreements, to which, however (and here Bolton and Trump are right), it would be time to return. For it is precisely the Monroe Doctrine that opens for the United States a direct path to a multipolar world.

But until that happens, the “backyard” is not satisfied with its status. As Deputy Defense Minister Colonel-General Alexander Fomin said: “You know perfectly well what events are taking place. And the main culprit of these events is the United States of America, ”as if hinting that the Russian Ministry of Defense is almost aware of who is to blame, and even, obviously, suggest what to do. In general, while Guaido is preparing for the overthrow of Maduro on May 1, the Russian Defense Ministry is warning the United States against a military operation in Venezuela.

As James Monroe said, describing the interests of the United States in his historical speech: “We have not interfered and will not interfere in the affairs of already existing colonies or dependent territories of any European power,” and this should remain the law for any responsible American politician. And the “color revolution” is a two-edged weapon. And here it’s really time to choose: either the Monroe Doctrine with all the ensuing consequences, or the “color revolution” that flies to you. There, where the "united states" have long dreamed of independence.

The point of view of the author may not coincide with the position of the editorial board.