Majed Al Mohandes will be hosting a program on "Al-Zaman Al-Jameel" on the channel "Abu Dhabi" on Friday 12 April.

Prince Majed Al-Mohandes will perform a number of his most popular and famous songs in the fifth episode of the direct performances in the program, which will celebrate both the late Iraqi artist Nazem Al-Ghazali and the great Lebanese singer Fairouz.

The previous episode saw the candidacy of seven participants to continue their journey to obtain the first title of the program «nice time» after the exclusion of Iraq «Yusuf Sumaidai», in addition to the placement of the jury of Ayoub Tijani, Ahmed Abbasi and «Mohammed Shata» in the safety zone Which will protect them from exclusion in the event of a minimum number of votes, because of the distinction and strength of their performance in the previous episode.

Abu Dhabi Media Company invited the audience to attend the event, which will be shown directly from the national stage in Abu Dhabi, in the presence of the jury consisting of artists Marwan Khoury, Angham and Asma Lmnour.