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Is it true that love from the first look is true love, which is implemented directly to the heart, is the love that lasts and remains despite the changes and differences in feelings and feelings, what does the next young man say about marriage? And what does the girl who is waiting for the knight of her dreams say with passion? That knight who will fill her life with love and warmth, and what Islam's position on love from the first look? Is it compatible with Shari'a and instinct or is it strictly forbidden?

From the instinct that God has exempted the people that the young man aspires to complete half of his religion through a legitimate marriage as wanted by Allah and His Messenger peace be upon him, as well as the girl eagerly waiting for her dreams to complete the journey of her life and be a family and enjoy the children fill her life with joy and pleasure, but what the way To reach the partner of life from both sides ?, In the old days, young people did not know each other because it is the matter of the parents who choose their children and their wives and wives, but it is a method that has not succeeded for long because it left many problems, including aversion and incompatibility between spouses. For Mawl.

As it may cause a wound in the heart, as the young man may marry at the will of the father or guardian without love and without a tendency for the girl chosen to be a wife, as well as for the girl may choose her guardian who does not share the same feelings and does not tend to heart, A great deal of relations and alienation between the spouses to the lowest conflict between them, and may occur discord, which does not benefit only separation, because these habits have turned the instinct and caused a big rift in the feelings of young people, may lead them to rebel against or to ignore and challenge.

Marital life is a partnership before it is a physical relationship, but it is based primarily on love, affection and harmony. In love, the parties forget the problems that may occur between them.

The more the culture of young people and their travel to the countries of the passion for themselves and looked forward to freedom of choice, because the heart is the one who chooses the heart that will share the love and because he will live with him the rest of life and share with him in good and bad, and if the two hearts of the two bodies and become a unified unity of the same roots and leaves, Harmony and harmony, and this is what every aspiring to life, the desire to pair is inherent in human needs to coordinate and follow-up as is the case in partnerships, God Almighty created male and female, and also created feelings and feelings and tendencies, and otherwise A breeding has occurred and have, praise be to God for this blessing dear.

When we are in the midst of love, we do not call things to them. Islam, while not opposed to human instincts and allows it to fulfill its desires, has established rules and foundations for fear of disobedience and entering into other labyrinths that harm the individual and society. Religion has allowed the view that brings love and believes in love From the first look, but in its legitimate framework, which is flawless, and set the corners of it, so that the view is in-depth, as the eyes speak what can not be expressed by the mouth, evidence of that reported by Al-Mughira bin Division that he addressed a woman said the Prophet peace be upon him "Look," he said Guardian it recorded Edm you get "Islam has permitted the man to look at a girl who intends to marry her in a family atmosphere in the presence of parents who are two witnesses to the need for the parties to such a relationship.

Islam may allow the young man to see his fiancée, which is manifested in the best form. A hidden relationship may arise between the two friars. The eyes may exchange expressions of love and harmony and may allow the two parties to talk to one another for a while so that they can recognize each other through this emotional, The talk of the word, the Islamic romantic legitimacy, away from any suspicions, has changed the talk to look at the fiancee when he said peace be upon him: "It is more to destroy the two of you" that is the relationship between the two of you and reconcile between you, and your condition is a good state if I did it Suitability and usability Deciding whether beauty and completeness of what is happening in the soul either of them or closer-averse, not a defect but is advocated by instinct and required by the relationship and partnership.

Marital life is a partnership before it is a physical relationship, but it is based primarily on love, affection and harmony. In love, the parties forget the problems that may occur between them. The two sides exchange respect and trust. In harmony, the two sides live in peace. Islam also gave the girl the full right to consider the man. Who will come to her speech and grant her the right to refuse or accept it, she will be accompanied by this young man, which will marry him, which will bear all the consequences if she agrees to his request, and if she is entrusted to her guardian but her opinion is legally required and her guardian has the right to force her to do something that she does not agree with, You reached the level of mind and mind In what makes them eligible to choose from you like.

On the other hand, Islam forbade the forbidden view which falls outside this legal framework for fear of suspicious relations. Therefore, the youth were asked to look blind and not to unleash it from that. He said: "Say to the believers that they turn away from their sight and keep their chickens. The Almighty warns us in this verse that what we do is known to him Almighty, which is expert on the things of worship that created them from nothing, and yet he made the first glimpse of the blazing without you, but if you look at the woman or the woman meditating the consideration of men may inherit it Therefore it is haraam to deprive this kind of fear of delay P in the clutches of corruption.

Islam does not contravene instinct because it knows for sure that it is made by the Creator Almighty, but ordered to control because the human nature tends to pleasure and pleasure, if not restrained desire in the quagmire of disobedience

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In our present day, we often hear the so-called innocent love, the innocent relationship, the so-called fellowship, my colleague or my colleague, who allows himself to be disowned, even though he knows that being alone with a stranger is haraam. And the girl may be tempted by the rich and sweet words that praise her and praise her beauty and her body and perhaps describe her eyes and her body and the full details of her body and she hears shyly, but in her heart she enjoys what is said of her praise and praise , And perhaps falls into the same thing as a peddle B towards the person who caused especially if those who prefer in her life to be a knight of her dreams.

This type of relationship does not inherit love, but it is inherited because it is a kind of transient relationship that does not establish but destroys. Therefore, we see that Islam, while permitting the view, is at the same time deprived of consideration because it necessarily leads to corruption. And succeeded in this relatively in our Arab societies, which suffer from cases of divorce largely rampant and the cause of love before marriage as promoted by the Western media and Arab and foreign series, but this type proved to fail, as soon after the relationship dissipated after marriage After each party had learned an explanation The other is the difference, discord and conflict. This may lead to divorce, disintegration of families, and an end to an experience that lasted years before marriage and a few months after marriage.

Islam does not contravene instinct because it knows for sure that it is made by the Creator Almighty, but it is ordered to control it because the human nature tends to pleasure and pleasure, if not restrained desire in the quagmire of disobedience from looking at the smile to meet and all bases, although normal in today's world only It is counterproductive, how can we convince our youth today that relations do not arise in the Western way that has become imitated in this time more than ever before to identify the partner of life to the engagement and the wedding ceremony, and no wonder if our Prophet, peace be upon him And he said, "To follow N Sinan who was before you Shubra Shubra arm and arm, even if they entered the pit of Db Ttthmohm said O Messenger of God Jews and Christians said who?