News from the island

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  • After a truce of 4 months .. bloody clashes south of the Libyan capital
  • Israel's national security advisor traveled to India via Saudi airspace
  • Bazvid: Trump turned his lawyer to lie about a residential tower in Moscow
  • New York Times: Sudan needs protection from "genocide president"

Suddenly everything is normal in life, but after the event and the start of a word from someone you need a pause here, a real serious pause. The conflict here is not between man and man or between another country and country, the conflict here within yourself, your conflict with yourself. There are many things in the human race, among them the rivalry of faith and non-faith, or the fallout of love and hatred, or the quarrels of good and evil. My friend, who sits with me so much, is still talking to me, provoking my convictions or shaking my firm beliefs to rationally reconstitute them. In a session that rarely takes place in such depth and logic, a consultation session or a request for an opinion is what you want. To his problem.

"I was sitting somewhere with a group of intellectuals and writers of different names. Things are very normal. The place is wonderful, especially with the rhetoric and the freshness of the floor. The meeting ended in a hurry and everyone began to pack their bags and go back to work or home. Maybe they all returned in peace and peace of mind. They did not care about anything but enjoyed and spent beautiful times with this constellation, except my friend was not so simple. He came back carrying something else and a real rivalry within himself, he did not notice, but things do not always come to Murad and the moods of human beings.

The author of the talk, who is suffering from his internal conflict, talks about his story, while he decides to come out and was intercepted by a young girl of only twenty years of age, whose modesty appears obvious. A small request asked him to be friends on social media. He had no choice but to refuse, because this world became for all men and women to enter every human being with the values, principles and ethics of this world, some of whom live in a different form and personality in this world. The problem of the world today is that it is multifaceted. Here my friend is a very normal life. He walks with his intellectual renewal. But here he takes a deep breath. Nothing that comes out of the heart or mind of a human is easily launched.

If you are ready to sacrifice and able to confront, do not give up easily and tell her: that admiration will meet the love of you, and if you do not leave it and leave it and do not break the heart of a female

The experiences that you live are very tired and talk about at the same time painful, and as usual those who fulfill the Covenant, the request was to be friends, on the basis of which we deal with others male and female. Although I do not much like friendships between males and females, especially in the virtual world, but it did not happen. They got to know each other through the conversation, and my friends felt comfortable after the page was official and in her personal photo. They continued to know each other, and there was an ongoing conversation on a daily or almost daily basis, beginning with the question, and sometimes he began to ask about it. It is okay to understand friends, and the question between friends is pleasant and not blameworthy.

The days go on fast, and one time as they talk, a spokeswoman says: She is impressed by her from the first moment she saw him, or since she first entered the place, but what he did not do. What is meant is that you are impressed with this excessive speed, but I said to my friend: I am sorry sir, love sometimes enters the heart without permission, has always entered the houses without knocking on its doors, although my community categorically refuses to show the girl admiration of someone is one of the disadvantages and lack of taste And its morals, the male view has not ended since the first ignorance to the ignorance of the twenty-first century, which was manifested in pictures other than the images of old. After all, he must answer this time, honesty in love is required, and he is honest and honest in love and others.

He said to her: We did not know some well, what I saw in this character to admire it. I said to him: Sir, it is love that goes away from the defects to look for advantages, and it has signed this unfortunately, and it did not fall by it. He replied: "Love is a goal we have to strive to achieve, and I do not think I can do it, in these circumstances. As well as you belong to a country other than my country, and in the city where I grew up, they are hardened with another tribe from the same country, so how if I am from a country and I am from another. The big gap and the challenges are very difficult, my little one, and the different customs and traditions that we can balance between them.

Then he turned to me and said to me, "Tell me, my friend: Ah, sir, bewilderment, God, when you struggle with the desire of the heart with the scales of reason. Too many conflicts, I do not know what I refer to you? But I say to you: If you are ready to sacrifice and capable of confrontation, do not give up easily and tell her: that admiration will meet the love of you, and if you do not leave it and leave it and do not break the heart of a female, everything is forgiven and forgiving, A sin can not be forgiven.