For those in a hurry: Click here for the quiz.

Do you know literature? Do not worry, you do not need to have studied Comparative Literacy for ten years for this quiz. Because the questions also show what kind of literature the wide field treats - here it borders on popular culture and there on the history, sometimes helps rates or general knowledge, with other questions, they may have to rummage in childhood memories.

The questions and answers for this quiz come from the large SPIEGEL knowledge test literature by Martin Doerry and Volker Hage, under the title "Who Loved Goethe's Faust?" published by Kiepenheuer and Witsch.


Martin Doerry, Volker Hage:
Who loved Goethe's Faust?

The big SPIEGEL knowledge test literature

KiWi Paperback; 192 pages; 6,00 Euro

Order at Amazon. Order from Thalia.

If you want to answer the eponymous question, take a look at the first part of our literature quiz.

Test your knowledge: Here's the quiz.