The actress fractured her ankle Thursday playing in her garden with her dogs. His condition "does not inspire worry," according to his press officer.

Actor Line Renaud, 90, is in the hospital because of an ankle fracture but her condition does not inspire concern, said Saturday's press officer.

"Everything is fine". "Line fractured her ankle playing with her dogs the day before yesterday [Thursday, note], in her garden at home.It is still hospitalized today [Saturday, ed] but everything is fine," said Nicole Sonneville . The press officer denied statements by Closer magazine that the actress had suffered a stroke. "That's wrong," she said.

Line Renaud took part last weekend in the 25th edition of Sidaction, charity event of fight against the AIDS relayed on television and the radio, which ended on a balance sheet of 4.5 million euros of promises of donations. A historical figure of the Sidaction association, the actress is also its president.