Like every year, many of us start 2019 not only with beautiful intentions, but with violent conspiracy theories. Someone must have secretly mixed calories in December into harmless (because natural) foods like roast goose, cheese fondue, mulled wine, butter cookies, duck liver pate, apricot schnapps, marzipan rolls, fried carp, wild boar wrapped in bacon, honey cake - and even with the potato salad with the Christmas Eve sausages instead of mayonnaise, cold-pressed grape seed oil was used. With 70 percent polyunsaturated fatty acids! A quarter liter. Just as it was in the Internet recipe.

And how shameful it is now that, despite all the thoughtful attempts to nourish us as wholesally as possible from fresh, small-scale ingredients over the holidays, our bodies bulge in aesthetically completely unjustifiable places? The pants when washing just run in at the waist of two sizes? What should we still be able to believe in the future if, in an emergency, our organism fails so miserably every year?

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Photo gallery: with crispy schnitzel against the christmas tummy

With shaky hands we open the envelope, which had given us the nutritionist for absolute emergencies like this one and finger the little note out: "Keep calm" is on it. What is meant is not blind to one of the diet sows, which are now again driven through the villages and communities.

Keep your attitude

Maybe even "keeping your mind" would be the better life advice these days, because first of all the christmas tummy can be pulled in more effectively in a tight upright posture. And secondly, it's actually better to try smaller calorie-reduction steps than any hip lifestyle STUKA diet followed by a Jojo backlash booster.

And because it is always about enjoyment in the hobby kitchen, first and foremost, we only want to take a very small step in the deliberate shutdown of the daily amount of energy absorbed. Our starting point for the upcoming spring diet is therefore not the light leaf salads without turkey breast strips. But crispy schnitzel.

After all, ten years after we tested eight different breading options for all flat-patties of veal, pork, chicken or turkey, there are now far more people with diagnosed gluten intolerance. And secondly, a lot of new products for the culinary upscale celiac needs.

When corn flakes show their big teeth

These include, for example, corn flakes, the main dough in addition to the usual per se always gluten-free basic ingredients corn flour and sweeteners such as rice syrup in half also ground quinoa is added. These flakes are eaten raw, especially in organic quality, first of all by the pithier taste of their own and by the fact that they show the milk poured in the breakfast bowl over a little longer the crisp tooth than conventional cereals.

Both properties predestine these flakes to become the new number nine in addition to the already tested eight packaging materials for schnitzels. The test criteria have not changed: the game is crucial that the breading before and while roasting stick to the meat, not significantly absorbs more fat than the Referenzpanier from bread crumbs, not as quickly become bitter in the heat as for example ground nuts (favorite of the Steinzeiternährer ) and at best even leftovers the next day after a night in the fridge did not completely limp.

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In all these disciplines the quinoa flakes make a good to very good figure. It is important to crush them in a freezer bag with the meat tenderizer and press it while biting with a fork firmly on the meat. The schnitzel itself should be cut as thin as possible and tapped, because the flakes in the pan burn up relatively quickly when too much heat and thereby become bitter. Therefore, just briefly fry in freshly frothed butter in a non-stick pan on both sides until the breading has turned golden yellow - and then cook the schnitzel on a kitchen crepe in the oven at 80 ° C.

This happens very quickly because of the thinness of the slices of meat, enough for three to four minutes. A nice side effect of this Flakes-breading is that you can easily do without further saturation side dishes given their high own energy values ​​(just under 400kcal / 100g) and absorbed by the roast butter and Schnitzel instead as described in today's recipe with a few oven tomatoes and Serve with a small portion of mushroom ragout in zucchini mantle.

For professions with increased energy consumption such as dance teacher (260kcal / hour), deep-sea diver (750), or forestry worker and scaffolder (1100) offers another accompaniment in the form of boiled potatoes or rice. Or a huge portion of fries, which turn our crunchies with mushroom sauce into an official hunter's schnitzel.