Lena Meyer-Landrut had postponed the release of her album and also a related tour. Only on Friday - and thus several months later than planned - "Only Love, L" came on the market. Now the singer has commented on the delay in an interview with "Zeit Campus".

Accordingly, Meyer-Landrut experienced a sense crisis during production. "Everything that I've done creatively, I found shit, as if I had lost myself in the whole bustle," said the singer. She had also made public in January the separation from her longtime friend Max.

Also the stress made her to create. "I noticed that I had no inspiration, I was always tired, I was always a bit sad," said the singer.

After all, she "paused before I go crazy and the burn-out comes," Meyer-Landrut said. She turned off her smartphone for eight weeks. The social media, however, only play a subordinate role for them anyway. "It does not touch me anymore," Meyer-Landrut said. Likes and Shares are her "really care".

Earlier, Meyer-Landrut had already spoken in the SPIEGEL interview that she also addresses attacks and hatred on the Internet on the new album (read the full interview here). The name of the album, "Only Love, L" picks up on their dealings with the hostility: they simply react with love.