The house boy Engelbert is doing great, that's a relief. Also his tarantula and the scrubber Pauli are well, luck. And finally, finally you can discuss with one of the biggest trash TV heroines of all time down to the last detail, how it was then exactly when she accidentally wiped the crocodile foot mods on the shirt of Winfried Glatzeder in the jungle camp and then ... No! ,

It takes a while to become so lewd in its own euphoria - after all the years of iconic transfiguration from afar, it's really a live encounter with the great Larissa Marolt! - but then you realize: Jungle Larissa does not live here anymore.

The possibly a few times too often repeated, possibly in their hymn-like minimal spooky remarks, HOW they found them in jungle camp exactly, why the principle Larissa Marolt necessarily against the system Melanie Müller would have to win - damn boor Busen General! - the revered trash veteran sounds polite. And would rather then talk about something else. Her time at the "Jungle Camp" seems to her like something like an eternally muddled summer hit, her personal "Hossa!". She could not really remember, she says, it's all been so long ago. And anyway: crocodile foot? Which crocodile foot?

This is how the long-dreamed Trash Peak turns into a farewell. Larissa is now playing theater. Very seriously. In Potsdam, Hugo von Hofmannsthal's "Everyman" is given in the Nikolaikirche, with an interesting cast: Wolfgang Bahro, the eternal cunning lawyer dr. Gerner from "GZSZ", plays the devil, Max Schautzer the dear God. And Larissa plays the passion, the personified seduction of the old Jedermanns.

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Larissa Marolt: First trash, now culture

The smallest major role in the history of the theater, one likes to say, at least one, at the theater fey with each new staging with a comfortable tension of the occupation. Senta Berger, Veronica Ferres, Nina Hoss, Larissa Marolt - this passionate story sounds like one of those logic puzzles, where one has to find out which term does not fit into the series, because almost all exotic tropical fruits are called, only one is a noble cod -art.

The role is no joke, the cast not meant quaint. With her coat turned up, the 26-year-old sits in the café opposite to the Nikolaikiche and talks about her interpretation of this classic role: "I do not see the passion as a calculating woman who's just looking for quick money. I do not play her as a beast Of course, she also has a vamp-jerk in her red tango dress when she appears, she's a strong woman. "

Sure, Hushipuschi would not fit Larissa either, that's why she was so loved. In 2009 she won "Austria's next Topmodel", in the same year she survived the German version with her own stoic stubbornness, which is unfortunately rarely seen in the often unfortunate and willing candidates of these formats. In 2014, she finally moved to the jungle camp, where she was the nonchalant stumbling block who refused all camp norms: she did not want to be productive at all costs, do something to be liked. It did not work, it was wonderfully refreshing, and it is considered an unforgiveable blunder to the initiated in the history of this format that it finally succumbed to Melanie Müller in the final, her opponent, who constantly demanded that everyone should pull themselves together.

She is welcomed as a "woman doctor"

When watching in the camp, and later in other formats such as "Let's Dance", one had the impression sometimes, Larissa would act on older men like an aggro trigger, because they denied themselves in conflict situations the usual female pathway and appeasement strategies and no problem with being an imposition even if she represents her own position. Occasionally she is asked in interviews why she is such a bitch, she finds it sad and a bit strange. "If you're a bitch, because you stand up for yourself as a woman, I like being one." "Zickcke!", She says it with scratchy-throaty Kärntner-K.

Before the camp she had attended drama school in New York, after the camp she took on smaller early-night roles, played maids and player women. Since August 2017 she embodies in the Daily Soap "Storm of Love" in the first the doctor Alicia Lindbergh, originally a supporting role, which was expanded for her to the main role. In mid-October, she gets out at her own request. "This lead has opened the door to new roles for me," she says, taking her seriously. At the hotel she is now occasionally greeted at check-in with "Frau Doktor". "Sometimes people ask me which drug I can recommend."

She talks about the rehearsals, drinks cappuccino, watches her furtively and waits for a typical larissa moment. A tiny, supertypically quirky escapade that reveals that she really is. A little stumbling perhaps, a slightly twisted wisdom of life like in the jungle. where, with a serious expression, she gives me golden phrases like "I do not eat butterflies". This is of course unfair, the jungle is five years ago, of course it has changed. That's nice for her, of course, from a purely selfish trashlover point of view, tragic.

"I would like to play in an art house movie"

Sortier she looks, tidier than they had imagined. After all, she laughs at the Larissa salmon, a spring-foaled carefree, loud-sounding invulnerability statement. If people do not trust her to the classical theater stage, that's what she does not care for, she credibly explains: "If someone does not expect anything from you, you can only positively surprise him."

Among the jungle camp spectators, there is this one cute group that stubbornly claims that they will never watch trash television except for this two-week level carnival in January, but only intellectual Schlaubi stations. You'll be pleased with Larissa's further acting ambitions: "I'd like to play in an art-house movie, I find great great low-budget independent stuff, or something rustic where I speak dialect."

In a small Larissa miniature, she plays out what it would sound like if both ideas were mixed together, laughs once again at her clerical, then she talks about her Jedermann role. Bye, Trash-Larissa, it was nice with you, good luck in serious trade. Maybe there will be a compromise in the future, a hopscotch between the worlds. And a passion that has a passionate monologue with a decided "Bunkt!" completed.

"Jedermann" with Larissa Marolt as a passion will be played until October 14th in the Potsdam Nikolaikirche.