Sorry, but again everything about him. About the President of Ukraine Petro Alekseyevich Poroshenko, who does not cease to saturate the news space with initiatives that, apart from bewildering the normal person, can not cause any other feelings. Apparently, the celebration of Independence Day and the military parade stirred the emotions in the heart of the commander-in-chief so much that he completely went into the processes of levitation and soared so high that he jumped to a new level of semi-adequate perception of what is happening on Earth. I will not torment your souls, but I will quote Poroshenko:

"We have already discussed several times with the leaders of the European Union the program of establishing by individual countries a kind of patronage over certain cities and settlements of Donbass. Let Germany take responsibility for Kramatorsk, Greece for Mariupol, Great Britain for Volnovaha, let other countries take Severodonetsk, Lisichansk, Avdeevka. "

This unforgettable match Peter Alexeyevich spoke in Avdeevka, before diplomats and the military. Let's discuss such an outstanding proposal for quotes. Let's start with "a kind of patronage" and translate into an understandable language. "Peculiar patronage" is one of the veiled forms of "money give, money give," and simply begging. But in this case it has several perverted outlines.

Do you remember the fears of the Ukrainian leadership, and of the population too, that as a result of the mediocre leadership of the country it will be fragmented and substantially lose in the territories? But these, you could say, were fears for the future, and linked them to the secret plans of Hungary, Poland, Romania and Slovakia. And suddenly the declaration of Petro Poroshenko in the style of "Kemska parish? Yes, let them take it. " It's me to the maxim "Let other countries take Severodonetsk, Lisichansk, Avdeevka."

That is, how will it be "taken"? Will troops enter there? Sorry, but the presence at the parade of soldiers from friendly countries of Ukraine - not a guarantee of joining this into the NATO bloc, about which Poroshenko dreams day and night.

He hopes that the European Union countries will not only pour money, but will also help with weapons, instructors and other deadly bonuses that will allow them to further increase tensions in the conflict zone.

Only here it is somehow bad with the distribution of duties that Poroshenko decided to entrust to a group of European support. To the Greeks, they are not exactly to Mariupol and not to Ukraine as a whole, because the country is not part of the economic vanguard of the European Union and is unlikely to be eager to hang another financial burden on itself. But Petro Poroshenko, this, apparently, does not bother in any way.

Germany's great strategist decided to reward the care of Kramatorsk. I can already see how the German financiers, having rolled up their sleeves and flushed with pressure, are seeking every opportunity to help the country, mistakenly referring to a young democracy, and to a city that has never been heard of before. Why solve the problems of refugees and worry about the growing right moods in society when there is Kramatorsk and Peter Poroshenko's desire to see Germany as the guardian of the city? That's up to the UK turn came. Undoubtedly, the whole country threw aside thoughts of brexite and tirelessly thinks about Volnovaha and the brilliant ideas of the Ukrainian leader hovering above the earth.

Where such thoughts and desires from Peter Alekseevich are understandable. Kiev has long been under the tutelage of Washington and is happy with this state of affairs. True, when Trump came to power, it became more difficult. Because the phrase of the US president "whatever happens, we will always stand next to Ukraine" gives with mothballs and stamps. And to stand, excuse me, you can not only front or side.

So, maybe Peter Poroshenko introduce a system that was once popular in the Union? There were every sister city in the Soviet Union in the West. The idea is quite a subject to be modernized. Make twinned cities in the country. Sister-donor of Kharkov can be appointed Switzerland, on the Dnieper to dispatch Belgium, to give Lviv to Luxembourg. Remains only to regulate financial flows, most of which will settle in Kiev. But that's what I think. Peter Poroshenko really decided to go to the elections with a full suitcase of nonsense and delirium? After all, all of its pearls, they are carefully recorded by competitors - and will be presented. Then, you see, the people really will vote for Tymoshenko or for the quarterly clown. And it will not be worse, that's for sure.

The author's point of view may not coincide with the editorial position.