“There is a risk that when a certain percentage of refusal to user requests is reached, the number of these requests will increase. The user did not get to the site, he will try again - this may increase the load on the servers, theoretically they can not cope, ”the expert quotes TASS.

At the same time, according to Malanova, ICANN believes that they will cope, even if the number of requests increases dramatically.

The expert noted that the ability to access the sites depends not only on the operators of these resources, but also on the providers of the users themselves.

“If the server at the provider is poorly configured, then it may not respond ... In theory, a situation may arise in which some users, whose providers have incorrectly configured the servers, will not be able to go to any site,” he added.

The Corporation for the assignment of names and ICANN numbers on October 11 at 19:00 Moscow time will begin to update the cryptographic keys. This is expected to reduce the risk of interception of user requests by hackers.

The company stated that users may encounter problems with access to the Internet in connection with the update.