Eva Padberg is looking forward to the birth of her child, but most of all, according to her own words, "at the sight of my husband holding our daughter in her arms for the first time". Then, the 38-year-old is sure, "tears are sure to flow."

In fact, she is currently built close to the water, Padberg now told the magazine "Bunte". "The tears are mostly beautiful things I've had bad mood days so far only a few!"

By the way, she let the public know that she was expecting a girl - and delivered some more baby facts: "She weighs about two kilos and is about 40 centimeters already above average."

She herself was completely happy and had already gained 13 kilos, Padberg continued.

Father of the child is the musician Niklas Worgt, 40, with whom she is married since 2009 and released under the band name "Dapayk & Padberg" albums.

The desire to have children was always there, but the couple had not been stressed, the model told the magazine: "The desire for a child was so strong in any of us that we would not have been complete without the stress and pressure of outside, we have set ourselves free and let things go. "