Tonight on TV. It's the return of Au tableau! The children put on the grill the Minister of Education, Bernard Tapie and Malik Bentalha. Funny and informative.

I made two mistakes in a conjugation test with a simple past, I sewed at the bac, I never launched mashed in the canteen ... I am, I am? Jean-Michel Blanquer. The Minister of Education is the guest of honor tonight in the sixth issue of Au tableau ! A refreshing show in which children question personalities about their schooling, their biggest mistakes, the main problems of life ...

The right arm of Emmanuel Macron does not elude any question (harassment, cellphone ...), except those on his private life. He improvises even DJ ...

Before him, Bernard Tapie (too technical sometimes) explains how he fights against cancer, certifies that "if he had to do it again, he would not do politics again" and details how one can buy a company at € 1 and resell it more expensive. Not sure that the class got it all right ... The show ends with a light tone with Malik Bentalha, telling that if he laughs, "it's for us to be interested in him".

C8 , 21 h.