A national study will be launched to determine the effectiveness of the electronic cigarette to stop smoking, compared to that of a drug. Organized by Public Assistance - Hôpitaux de Paris, the study seeks to recruit 650 smokers aged 18 to 72 who want to stop smoking, particularly in Caen and Angers.

Public Assistance - Hospitals of Paris launches a national study to evaluate the effectiveness of the electronic cigarette, with or without nicotine, as a smoking cessation aid, compared to a drug, according to a statement released on Tuesday, the launch of the "month without tobacco " .

It is estimated that about 1.7 million "vapoteurs" in 2016 in France, but knowledge about the effectiveness of electronic cigarettes and their potential risks are missing, notes the AP-HP in its statement.

Angers and Caen partners

The ECSMOKE study, funded by the health authorities, aims to recruit at least 650 smokers (at least 10 cigarettes a day) from 18 to 70 years to quit smoking.

These participants will be supported in 12 hospital smoking clinics (Angers, Caen, Clamart, Clermont-Ferrand, La Rochelle, Lille Lyon, Nancy, Nimes, Paris, Poitiers, Villejuif) for 6 months.

Tobacco specialists will provide a power-adjustable electronic cigarette with "blond tobacco" liquids with or without nicotine, varenicline tablets (a stop smoking drug) or a placebo version.

Results in four years

Participants will be divided into three groups, one taking placebo tablets and nicotine-free vaping liquids, the second placebo and nicotine-containing fluids, and the last group of varenicline tablets with nicotine-free fluids.

Smoking cessation should occur within 7 to 15 days after the start of the study, with follow-up for 6 months.

In addition to the effectiveness of vaping, the study will attempt to measure the associated risks, especially in the over-45s, age at which the majority of smokers already have a health disorder related to smoking.

The results are expected 4 years after the start of the study, and "could help determine if the electronic cigarette can be among the devices approved as a weaning aid," says AP-HP.