In 2017, more than one in three hospital patients in Germany operated on - a total of more than 7.1 million people. This is shown by a recent evaluation by the Federal Statistical Office. Compared to the previous year, the proportion of inpatient interventions has therefore not changed.

About half of the surgically treated people in 2017 were 60 years or older. The most common of these were surgery on the bowel, followed by surgery on bile and the insertion of artificial hip joints.

Which operations were performed depended not only on age but also on sex. The distribution of inpatient hospital treatment in detail:

The ten most common operations in women 2017:

1. Reconstruction of Female Sex Organs After a Breast Damage by Birth (350,108 Procedures)

2. Cesarean section (256,661 interventions)

3. Operations on the intestine such as the loosening of adhesions or the expansion of intestinal sections (216,035 interventions)

4. Access to the lumbar spine, the sacrum and coccyx (156,720 procedures)

5. Open reposition of a multi-fragment fracture in the joint area in the humerus, ulna, radius, femur, tibia or fibula (153,089 interventions)

6. Endoscopic operations on the bile ducts (146,633 interventions)

7. Implantation of an artificial hip joint (145,211 procedures)

8. Operations on metatarsal bones or the toe limbs of the foot (127,675 interventions)

9. Gallbladder Removal (121,499 procedures)

10. Implantation of an artificial knee joint (118,526 interventions)

The ten most common operations in men 2017:

1. Operations on the intestine such as the loosening of adhesions or the expansion of intestinal sections (188,263 interventions)

2. Closure of a hernia (155,549 interventions)

3. Access to the lumbar spine, the sacrum and coccyx (154,170 interventions)

4. Surgical removal of sore tissue (133,576 procedures)

5. Endoscopic operations on the bile ducts (129,027 interventions)

6. Arthroscopic surgery on articular cartilage and menisci (118,777 procedures)

7. Temporary covering of open wounds, for example after burns (109,304 interventions)

8. Arthroscopic surgery on the inner joint capsule (100,445 procedures)

9. Removal of diseased tissue of the large intestine (100,326 interventions)

10. Operation on the lower turbinate (100,250 procedures)

The ten most common operations in children 2017:

1. Cutting the eardrum to open the tympanic cavity and allow pus to drain (34,509 procedures)

2. Removal of the pharyngeal tonsils (often called polyps) without removal of the palatine tonsils (34,059 interventions)

3. Reduction of a bone after a break (31,675 interventions)

4. Removal of the palatine tonsils without removal of the pharyngeal tonsils (21.379 interventions)

5. Appendiceal removal (15,545 interventions)

6. Surgical removal of sore tissue and removal of diseased tissue on the skin and subcutis for burns and chemical burns (12.267 procedures)

7. Closure of a hernia (11,707 interventions)

8. Removal of palate and pharyngeal tonsils (10,371 interventions)

9. Removal of screws, nails, plates, wires or other material after fracture (10,103 procedures)

10. Displacement and fixation of the testicles in the scrotum (10,016 interventions)