The last box of cigarettes lies crumpled in the dustbin, the ashtrays are discarded and the lighters are packed away: quitting smoking is one of the most common intentions for the New Year. But usually only a few succeed. In a recent UK study, only 15 percent of smokers who wanted to stop cigarettes were permanently banned from their lives.

These eight points can help to persevere:

The benefits are quickly noticeable

Already three days after the last cigarette improves the function of the respiratory tract, reports the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ). After only one week, the blood pressure drops and after about nine months coughing fits and shortness of breath go back, the paranasal sinuses are freer and in the lungs, the mucus dissolves. The risk of infection also decreases.

Two years after smoking cessation, a former smoker has almost the same risk of cardiovascular disease as a nonsmoker. After five years, the risk of cancer in the oral cavity, pharynx, esophagus and urinary bladder also falls in half. Even the risk of stroke can decline to that of a non-smoker already after two to five years.

No smoking brings years of life

According to DKFZ calculations, more than ten cigarettes per day rob men on average 9.4 and women 7.3 years of age. Even a moderate consumption of less than ten cigarettes a day still reduces life expectancy by about five years for both sexes.

The worst is a male, obese, heavy smoker who drinks a lot of alcohol and eats a lot of red meat - he loses up to 17 years of life expectancy compared to the person with the best risk profile. For women it is 13.9 years.

Cardiovascular DiseaseThis lot of damage causes one cigarette per day

No smoking save money

A cigarette currently costs about 32 cents. Who smokes about ten cigarettes per day for ten years, then spend about 11,680 euros for Glimmerstängel. For the money, there would also be a sauna with LED sky, calculates the savings calculator of the action smoke-free from the Federal Center for Health Education (BZgA). With 30 cigarettes a day, more than 20 years even cost more than 70,000 euros.

Good preparation helps

Experts advise to set a specific date for smoking cessation. According to DKFZ, this should fall into as stress-free a time as possible. In addition, it is advisable, especially in the first few weeks to avoid situations that encourage smoking, such as an evening in a smoker's pub. Instead, for example, sport can provide distraction.

Anyone who stops smoking often feels unwell, restless and easily irritable. Frequently, those affected also hunger and thirst. Tea, water, fresh fruit, and sugar-free chewing gum can help with the initial signs of physical withdrawal, as well as patches, tablets, or inhalers containing nicotine. The Advantage of Replacement Products: Smokers can first focus on their mental dependence.

The four A

Pub, stress at work, boredom: Anyone who wants to quit smoking, always comes back into situations where the urge to smoke is great. "Then it is time to leave the situation as quickly as possible and to distract yourself with something else," advises the Federal Center for Health Education. It could also help to take a deep breath, preferably ten times. Relax and put up the desire to smoke. These recommendations are also called the four A-tips: postponing, dodging, chipping, distracting.

In doubt, a bit thicker

On average, people take three to five kilos when they quit smoking. Who wants to prevent that, must be iron, especially in the first three months. During this period, belly, bacon and buttocks grow the strongest among former smokers. However, there are significant differences in weight gain. Some even lose weight when they quit smoking.

And: Low weight gain is often healthier than smoking. According to a 2016 study, ex-smokers can gain up to 40 kilograms until their overweight shortens their lifetime as much as cigarette consumption.

Myth or medicine Do you agree if you stop smoking?

Help available here

Behavioral therapies can significantly increase the likelihood of giving up smoking in the long term. Conversations, role-playing games or group sessions are intended to show new ways for situations in which those affected would otherwise pick up a cigarette. The costs are partly taken over by the health insurance companies. Offers of the three largest health insurance companies can be found here:

Technical Health Insurance, Barmer, DAK.

Setbacks are okay

Only very few people are able to quit smoking at first. Ex-smokers should therefore see setbacks relaxed. The severity of the withdrawal depends on the degree of physical and psychological dependence. The internationally recognized Fagerström test reveals the severity of dependency. It is more important, according to DKFZ, to remain optimistic after a relapse.