On the flight from Nantes to Cardiff disappeared a small plane with the Argentine footballer Emiliano Sala on board on Monday evening from the radar. According to a report in the British newspaper "The Times", the pilot might not have been allowed to fly the football pro.

An extract of the file of the 59-year-old with the air traffic control authorities shows that he should have only had a private pilot license. For a commercial license, significantly more training and flying lessons are required.

So if Sala had used the flight as a paying passenger, the pilot should not have been able to carry him on the "Times" report. "The information was updated two months ago and shows that he had passed a medical test," it said. The pilot is said to have worked full time as a gas fitter.

On Thursday, the search for the probably about 20 kilometers north of the Channel Island Guernsey crashed football pro and the pilot was finally set.

A spokesman for the Aircraft Accident Investigation Division said, "We look at all aspects of the flight, including licensing, as part of the investigation to determine if it's a private or commercial flight."