In North Rhine-Westphalia, five teenagers between the ages of 15 and 18 have chased the police. They were driving without a license in a van without authorization, as the investigators announced.

The white transporter with the young people was therefore a patrol because he drove in serpentine lines. The officials had given the driver signs that ignored this. Instead of stopping the driver of the transporter accelerated and raced through Hamm and the neighboring cities of Kamen and Dortmund, as the police said.

On a commuter parking the van stopped according to the information. There five young people quit, a 15-year-old has fled. The others remained standing on the vehicle and were arrested by the police. Even the fugitive 15-year-old could be taken up a short time later.

The police are now investigating the five adolescents because they are at risk of road traffic, driving without a license, forgery of documents and unauthorized use of a vehicle.