Chee, a professional baseball Samsung lions cheerleader, appealed for sexual harassment damage, and colleagues Sim Hyung-sung and Park Hyun-young also complained.

On October 10, Huang Dahn captured and posted a post about his self-published online community 'Daily Best' on his SNS. The post was full of primary texts, and Huang Dagan said, "Cheerleaders are fun and good, but that's the price, not once or twice."

Shim Hye Sung, who is a cheerleader with Huang Dahn in Samsung Lions, has been angry at what he has been doing through his SNS on the 11th.

"If you do not like sexual harassment," said Shim Hyeong-seong, "I am responsible for the victim with the words" Put on clothes that do not have exposure, and do nothing without exposing. "" Hundreds of hundreds of cheerleaders have suffered sexual harassment, Could you tell us your opinion? "

In addition, Shim Hyesung said, "The right to portrait, the right to say that we have suffered damage, the right to be a victim, and the human rights of us may be us," he said. I do not have any opinions to listen to me, I'm a young man, but I need to fill your sexual desire, "he added.

Shim Hyesung writes in the same Samsung Lyons cheerleader Park Hyun-young commented on the comments. Park said, "Please do not do it because we want to expose you. Please just know that there are enough people to dance and stand on the stage and do cheerleaders."

Huang Dagun and Shim Hyesung are all 18 year-old under age of 2000. As they became more interested in their SNS articles, they have deleted all of them.

The rumors of cheerleaders 'recent sexual harassment victims' revelations that Park Ki-yang, a cheerleader star, has been reexamined.

Park said, "I participated in corporate sports tournament, but my father-aged person told me to follow the alcohol," Park said in an entertainment program in 2014. Also, when cheerleading, "Some people shoot with the camera from the bottom.

It is reemphasized that the past remarks of this kind of rumor are reappearing, and the claim that the recognition of the job as a cheerleader should change itself is getting stronger. Also, if cheerleaders do not want to be sexually commercialized, there is an increasing tendency that they should be more careful when using over-exposed clothes, especially underage cheerleaders.

[Photo = Hwang Dae-geon, Sim Hyamsung, Park Hyun-young]

(SBS funE)