A woman abducted 32 years ago from Argentina has been found in Bolivia. The now 45-year-old has become a 13-year-old victim of human trafficking, said the Argentine police on Tuesday. It was found in the course of joint investigations of Argentina and Bolivia.

In recent months, a special unit of the Bolivian police had collected evidence at the request of the Argentine authorities that the woman is in the southern Bolivian Bermejo, it said. The Bolivian police finally intervened and released the woman and her nine-year-old son.

Together with her son, the woman was then brought back to her family in the Argentine city of Mar del Plata. Further details of the kidnapping case did not tell the police.

Gendarmeria Nacional

The police had released the two

According to the Argentine news site lanacion.com, the woman and her son were released last Saturday from a garage in which they were detained for forced labor.

According to the news side, the 45-year-old, along with her older sister, who is said to have had a baby at the time, was lured to his country by a Bolivian in 1987 with the prospect of a job. The sister should have managed to return to Argentina a few months later. Her younger sister, however, is said to have been forced into prostitution.