Fraudsters are known to use social networking sites to try to see user data such as names, email addresses, passwords, and credit card details. The security services always recommend that users do not open social networking sites by clicking on a link but should open the site directly.

Users must also not allow access to a lot of their personal information, so that it is not used by fraudsters. On Facebook, for example, you can block strangers from seeing a few details such as your name and your account picture.

In general, users should be suspicious of the links they receive without request or of strangers. Security recommendations say offensive means include messages such as "Is this you in the video?", "Earned from home", "Your account has been canceled."

These questions are sent along with a link that prompts users to sign in. Users should also be suspicious of services that they claim will appear from the last person who viewed your account or provided purchase vouchers for well-known brands.