The curriculum of history is often forced to give up its subjects in favor of another subject called national education or civic education. This article becomes one of the branches of social studies in the preparatory stage. Thus, there is a study quota for geography and a study share of history and a study of national education, So that it becomes a material of the total and of success and failure materials, but that their time allocations are doubled in the literary sections, but also retained their right in the scientific sections of secondary education.

In the approach of this article, totalitarian regimes offer history after they hit it (or fail) in a mixer, in a state of fluidity that controls its sugar, sugar, sweetness, salinity, acidity, alkalinity, density, and wife. It can also control its other characteristics by adding to its ideology Or allegations.

In countries that adhere to human rights and the principle of political freedoms, the state can not resort to this artificial course of study, but one of the elements of transformation from totalitarian life to a one-party system requires that the state waive its right to impose this article as a basic subject.

In the years of military rule, which have historically been known as the three pashas: Talaat Pasha, Anwar Pasha and Gamal Pasha, the Arab peoples have known the extreme oppression that made the ruler of Syria Gamal Pasha worthy of the title of the "thief"

It should be noted that the alternative that existed in the Egyptian education system at the beginning of the Renaissance and after the 1919 Revolution was precisely what is now called civil and political education, a subject that free societies are keen to teach and Egypt has the right to be proud of under the governments of the delegation and the opposition in the era of liberalism This article was also prepared and developed by the writings of great writers of the class of Professor Abdul Aziz al-Bishri, where the education of political, civilizational, civil and community through the smart definition of terms and meanings, objectives, existence and history, as well as the concepts of political sociology Political systems, state systems, government, etc. I was still struggling to get back to teaching these books as I wrote nearly a hundred years ago when everything was carefully and honestly designed.

It is right to say that history is not involved in this forgery, neither in the courses nor in the exams. In particular, the time available for the teaching of Islamic history is limited and does not correspond to any corresponding space offered by it. The United States of America or any other Western countries to its national, national and cultural history. Some contemporary European curricula are more dedicated to our history (as part of human history) than to the Egyptian curriculum.

What happened to the Ottoman history exactly in our curricula, and where is the focus on all these statements accused the Ottomans of injustice and injustice and injustice and the abuse of the Arabs and their execution? In fact, ninety percent of the criticisms directed at the Ottomans who ruled for centuries are related to the last years of the rule of the Ottoman Empire when the country became a military government that managed to present itself as a constitutional monarchy similar to the constitutional monarchy known in Britain and elsewhere while it was The closest proof to the Soviet totalitarian regime that grew up and continued until it fell in 1989 with the fall of the Berlin Wall.

So far, neither the Europeans nor the Arabs have ever called what happened in the Ottoman Empire since 1908 by the real name of the Ottoman military coup. The overthrow of the reign of Sultan Abdul Hamid, the last Ottoman sultan, took place, and the Caliphate, power or presidency was entrusted to his brother Mohammed V (1909) and then to their brother Mohammed VI (1918) under The threat of arms while the state ruled the generals.

The political dress worn by these couped military men was Turkey's girl party and reached the peak of their coup by acquiring the status of opposition against Sultan Abdulhamid. They succeeded in overthrowing Sultan Abdul Hamid and became the active and ruling power. The First World War was invaded by the Ottoman state, They overthrew the state itself in the same manner as the military do everywhere and at times when they take over politics and their peoples lose everything until the state's entity and land.

Thus the Arabs visited their children the history of the Ottomans twice when they attributed the years of the military tyranny to the Ottomans and not to the military, and made it an alternative to five centuries and again when they thought militarization did not begin only with Ataturk

Talaat Pasha, Anwar Pasha and Gamal Pasha The Arab peoples have known the extreme oppression that made the ruler of Syria Gamal Pasha worthy of the title of the "thief" whom the Syrians called him. For example, the beauty of the thief was keen to exterminate all the leaders The Shamans, some of whom lived until the 1960s, were sentenced to death under Ottoman rule, but were the military rule before the term was known. At the heart of this military rule was Mustafa Kemal Ataturk and Ataturk.

Here we find the Arabs who studied the curricula of Nasiriyah and Baath attributed the horrors of the rule of the military who seized on the fate of things in the Ottoman Empire since their coup and seized power in 1909 to the Ottomans while they were military as the rulers of Nasiriyah, Baath and Arab nationalists. On the other hand, we find the Islamists thinking and conveying what they have learned that the titration and bias against the Arabs did not begin until the era of Ataturk. While Ataturk himself was a late episode of military rule that began in 1909.

It is worth mentioning that according to the principle of action and reaction, the Arab Society of the girl arose as a reaction to the girl Turkey, and interestingly, it originated in Paris in 1909, and Turkey's girl itself dates back to the beginning of the twentieth century, and in the most ancient estimates, its roots date back to 1889 only, And at the beginning and end was an echo of the disorders of the Anscharism that the Ottoman Empire in late stages of its life was not a reform movement with a civilizational project, but was in most of its texts and literature movement Ttrik or bias to the ruling center, You can He described it now as a description of Abu Dhabi, which bears most of the expenses of the UAE or the common description in the 1970s when Russia bore the burden of the Soviet Union, when the democratic Germany bore the burden of Warsaw's allies, or President Trump claims that the United States Atlantic is more than the rest, a claim lacking precision. It was in this spirit that there were calls for titration and bias towards the Turanian sex, which bears the responsibility of the state while the parties can not bear but thrive.

The Arabs, for their children, saw the history of the Ottomans twice when they attributed the years of the army to the Ottomans, not to the military, and made them an alternative to five centuries and again when they thought militarization did not begin only with Ataturk, while Ataturk himself was the last fruit that may have been less harsh than the period of the three Pashawat who tasted The Ottomans and the Arabs were with them a kind of torment.