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Your sin is not your fault! Do not you understand that you are paying the price of your foolishness, stupidity and subjugation? When our parents seized opportunities, your parents stood in front of government payrolls, and then there were no government interests. There are no more salaries. You did not understand the game early so you are guided from the top to where there is no bottom. What are we guilty of?

In these questions, which are often characterized by blame and criticism, the late Ahmed Khaled Tawfiq, known to the youth generation of the godfather in his novel Utopia, tries to present a future glimpse of Arab societies in the post-neoliberal era and the social situation in the current economic recession and development failure, , Although it was published in 2008, before the media knew the Arab spring revolutions, but it predicted the danger of social tension and the spread of grievances and their ability to trigger violent revolutions and popular donations.

This novel belongs to the category of Dystobia or Literature Chaos, a world where evil triumphs and where injustice and oppression prevail. The most famous books in this style are George Arwell in his 1984. The late Ahmed Khaled Tawfiq imagines the work of this Egyptian society in 2023 where it will be divided into two layers on both ends In contrast, a wealthy class lives in luxury and lavishly within a city called a pontopia where everything is available and everything is permitted including the practice of all decay and moral anomaly. Utopia is a city where the human identity is absent, where ideals and morals are lacking, satisfying only sensual and physical desires, and its inhabitants living in constant anxiety about the danger coming from the other side of utopia and the constant fear of the eruption of the revolution of the poor.

A daily life like hell on earth, despairing of salvation, especially after the state abdicated its responsibility for the welfare of its citizens

Therefore, it is well protected by various means and under constant guard of the Marines and is not allowed to those who are outside the rich layer to enter only in the case of security permits to work. On the other side of the walls of Utopia Trami are random population belts inhabited by a class of destitute ghettos living in a life of deprivation, oppression and unrelenting misery. There is no water, electricity, food, services and essential goods, and there are no jobs except as servants in the utopias. In these circumstances, man can not meet his normal human needs to the extent that eating dog meat and mice is a luxury meal and all that can be obtained from food waste.

A daily life like hell on earth, despairing of the possibility of salvation, especially after the state has abandoned its responsibility for the social welfare of its citizens, leaving them to the hardships of life after being stripped of everything that might help them to manage their normal living. In the midst of this class struggle, the events of the novel are speeding up when one of the utopians, who are bored by his boredom, breaks the routine of his extravagant life by embarking on a new experiment, an adventure to hunt down Adamites and cut off their organs to bring them as souvenirs.

After the guards managed to infiltrate the night outside the walls of Utopia with his girlfriend where they entered the poor gatherings and then dragged a girl and then they would kill them, but soon discovered their work to find angry crowds of the poor and was saved only by a poor educated young after the calming masses of some of the drugs Which was carried by the two young Ethiopians. This act, which was motivated to raise their sympathy and compassion for the weak and the poor, but this beauty did not help him in anything, as he will be killed in turn kill and then Severin to return to their home after Ashvia Baljdat sadism.

The return of the young Yotubi rich to his homeland will be surprised one day by the story of the poor stealing the shipment of the Bayrol the first wealth of their colony, which compensated oil as the main source of energy and stop all activities and manifestations of life, Utopia becomes an environment isolated from the world and besieged from all sides without protection to erupt the war between two people rich people and the people of the poor .

The novel carries many meanings, warning messages of a dark future that is evident on the horizon, after the Arab governments have mastered the directives of the neo-liberal financial institutions, which are based on the principles of free markets, free trade, privatization and austerity. . In order to achieve this, an investment environment should be provided for investment, through the development of infrastructure and the reduction of corporate taxes. Social costs and burdens must be minimized, and privatizations of public facilities must be privatized, which are always justified as mechanisms for mobilizing productive forces and increasing national wealth.

Returning to the content of the novel, its events are a forward-looking prophecy describing the consequences of the literal application of neoliberalism, which was not accompanied by measures to prevent its side effects

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Arab countries Egypt, Algeria, Tunisia, Morocco and Jordan have manifested themselves in liberalizing fuel prices, reducing employment opportunities in government sectors and freezing wages. This coincides with the rapid increase in prices and the tax pressure on the middle and poor classes. In fact, this is a rise of the model in the Arab world, which is accompanied by serious social crises that are becoming apparent. Especially the collapse of the middle class, the safety valve and the stability of societies after they have been unable to cope with the rapid changes brought by neoliberal under unfair labor laws and high living costs contributed to the slide of many of its members into the poverty of the passersby.

Which accelerates the process of re-engineering the community to become a hollow pyramid consisting of two layers at the top of the rich minority luxury and influential, and the broad base of the majority of impoverished crushed deprived. In his famous book Globalization of Poverty, Canadian researcher Michel Chossudovsky emphasizes that the neoliberal economic restructuring policies that the Third World countries have entered into have left serious problems of unemployment, poverty, undermining public freedoms and the decline of human rights in general. As well as the dependence of the sovereign decision of developing countries on the hands of savage capitalist elites.

In retrospect, the events are a forward-looking prophecy that describes the consequences of the literal application of neoliberalism, which has not been accompanied by measures to prevent its manifesting symptoms in the case of Arab values, materialism and civilizational bankruptcy. Its manifestations are manifested in the inability of Arab governments to solve their worsening social and economic crises and to betray national constants Religious and mortgage their wealth in favor of imperialist forces in order to preserve their worn out thorns. Here lies the genius of this literary work, including references to it reflected in the dialogue between the rich young Utopian and the poor young man: Do you have Israelis in utopia?

I said in astonishment: Many, my dear friends, "he said as he chewed again:" This is an important trait for your people. They took their place in the new Middle East they were talking about ... the triangle that Israel dreamed so much of ... Gulf money ) Israeli intelligence .. Cheap Egyptian labor: Utopia is a quintessential criticism of the Arab regimes protected by the Marines, which preferred to be involved in Western projects and financing of Israel, which is evident in this rapid rapprochement between the Gulf countries and Israel instead of defending the interests of the Arab nation, Now the same alarm about the signs of total collapse of the Arab system in its form Present.

It also suggests a dark side of the new Middle Eastern societies in the form of a class polarization that has deepened the gap between rich and mercurial wealth that is rapidly accumulating thanks to biased policies led by a ruling elite living in a utopian illusion based on worship of money, sacrifice of ideals, values ​​and moral duty. In order to dream of wealth and wealth and power grabbing, which makes it isolated from the majority of the poor poor people, who crushed his humanity, which turned into a burden that should be saved without taking into account the requirements of human norms. This literary work is a cry in the face of class oppression, enslavement and exploitation, and an invitation to reconsider this economic model, which will delineate all the details and aspects of our daily lives and lead humanity inevitably to its destruction.