Grapefruit carpaccio with fennel tarts and pistachios - sounds like a sophisticated starter. However, dishes like these should also have a positive effect on the female hormone balance and alleviate cycle-related symptoms. At least that's what the book "Eat like a woman" by Andrea Haselmayr, Denise Rosenberger and Verena Haselmayr says. Her message: a harmonious cycle and a period that is as painless as possible - with targeted food and a more conscious perception of what the body needs.

The three Austrians are not the first to market such a concept. Years ago, the book "Woman Code" by Alisa Vitti from the United States attracted a lot of attention. And there are other counselors who deal with food for a balanced hormone balance. "This is always better than taking a painkiller with regular symptoms," says author Andrea Haselmayr.

She advises, for example, on menstrual cramps, to eat magnesium rich. Because that has an antispasmodic effect. In raw cocoa, for example, is not only magnesium, but also the hematopoietic iron. Bananas also contain magnesium.

Nutrition and fertility

But can certain foods really fight or even prevent menstrual pain? Doctors have considerable doubts. That women can influence their hormone level or cycle with certain foods, can not generalize, says Andreas Pfeiffer, nutritionist and endocrinologist at the Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin. "At present, the scientific evidence is too thin for that."

However, hormones and nutrition can influence each other. "It is known that a lack of vitamin D, iron and iodine can reduce fertility," says Christian Albring, president of the Association of Gynecologists. Overweight and underweight can be involved in both menstrual disorders and infertility.

Myths and facts about menstruationIs that the rule?

Many women also lose their hormones during their days, says Vanadin Seifert-Klauss, endocrinologist at the Department of Gynecology and Polyclinic of the Technical University of Munich: "You then sometimes crave something rich in carbohydrates." Some women then intuitively resorted to chocolate.

For lighter menstrual pain, according to the doctors, some teas can provide relief, which is also recommended in many of the cookbooks. Seifert-Klaus also recommends that women be more attentive to themselves. This includes eating consciously and finding out what is good for you. "This can also help a cycle diary," says hormone specialist Seifert-Klauss, "in which a woman notes what you have done well in which situation."