After prolonged rains in Moscow, a noticeable warming is expected - the air in the capital will warm to +16 ° C. According to weather forecasts, comfortable weather will last in the region until next week.

“Before the weekend, it will rain in the metropolitan area, but by Saturday the precipitation will stop, the air will warm up to + 16 ... + 18 ° С. The same comfortable weather will continue early next week, ”TASS reports, citing Lyudmila Parshina, head of the laboratory at the Hydrometeorology Center.

Before the long-awaited warmth, the region will be visited by a "string of Atlantic cyclones". According to weather forecasters, prolonged rains of varying intensity are predicted during the week, and by October 6 one-third of the monthly norm of precipitation is expected.

“Real autumn weather is expected with a predominance of an overcast sky, precipitation of varying intensity and duration, and dense wind. In the afternoon, thermometers are unlikely to exceed the mark of +10 ° C, ”Yevgeny Tishkovets, a leading employee of the Phobos Center, told the RT interview.

On October 2, the daily temperature in Moscow reached +10 ° С. Partly in the capital there were short rains, the wind speed was 4 m / s.

Prolonged rainfall

The rainy weather in the capital region will be determined by the atmospheric fronts of cyclones, explained Tatiana Pozdnyakova, chief specialist of the Moscow Metteuro Bureau. In this regard, the atmospheric pressure will be quite unstable, and the region will cover precipitation of varying intensity.

“Atmospheric pressure will be rather unstable. At the same time rain will be observed: from small to moderate. The most unfavorable weather is expected on Thursday, and on Friday the rains will remain only at night, ”the meteorologist told RT.

She confirmed that warming would come to the capital by the weekend. According to her, short-term precipitation is expected on Saturday, October 6, and sunny weather will be established in the region on Sunday.

“In the days following Friday, the wind will change to southwest, already on Sunday night about + 6 ... + 8 ° С, in the region not lower than +3 ° С. The daily temperature will fluctuate within + 11 ... + 16 ° С, ”said Pozdnyakova.

Reduced pressure will provoke a cooling in the region, said Director of the Hydrometeorological Center Dmitry Kiktyov in an interview with RT. He stressed that the peak of bad weather will have on October 4th.

“Thursday is the most rainy day, it will be cloudy, rain and gusty wind. From Friday the weather will begin to improve. The precipitation will stop behind the atmospheric front, and the temperature at the end of the week will creep upwards, ”he added.

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At the same time, the expert was quick to note that in October there are often precipitations in the form of snow, but steady snow cover will be formed only in November.

“If we talk about our region, about Moscow, then a steady snow cover according to long-term climate data is formed in the third decade of November. But already in the second half of October, there is often enough precipitation in the form of snow. However, at this time it is unstable: some snowflakes, ”said Kiktev.

Waiting for Indian summer

Despite the fact that the weather this week is generally in line with the climate norm, slight deviations from it are expected, Lead Starkov, a leading meteorologist at Gismeteo, told the RT.

“In the next couple of days, the weather will become more unstable, it will be determined by the North Atlantic cyclone. It will rain on Wednesday and Thursday, from moderate to heavy, the daytime temperature will drop slightly - up to + 9 ... + 11 ° C. Night values ​​will fluctuate at the level of slightly positive. At the weekend, it will be almost September heat, ”said Starks.

Despite fluctuating temperature indicators in the middle of the week, rainy and windy weather, it is likely that Indian summer will return to the region, Tishkovets said. According to him, closer to Saturday, the capital will be in the area of ​​high pressure.

“The streams will turn from the cold north-west to south-west, and warmer, dry air will come to us. There is a hope that next week there will be a good Indian summer, ”the expert said in a conversation with RT.