The US judiciary has charged 40 people, including Hollywood actors Felicity Hoffman and Laurie Laughlin, in a bribe scandal to get seats for their children at major US universities.

The plan included helping students cheat on university entrance exams, as well as assisting non-athletes in obtaining scholarships for athletes.

Among the universities targeted in fraud are Yale, Stanford and Georgetown, which are large and prestigious universities in the United States.

Most of those involved in the scandal are wealthy people, some of whom are CEOs of major companies.
According to the indictment, American actress Felicity Hoffman, star of the series Desperate Housewives, gave what she called a $ 15,000 charity contribution to the scheme on behalf of her eldest daughter and claimed she had arranged the scheme for the second time, For her younger daughter, before deciding not to do so.

A sound recording of Hoffman was obtained and she discusses the plan with a witness who cooperates with the police.

Among the defendants is actress Laurie Laughlin, known for her role in the comedy series "Full House". But Laughlin has not been held.

The indictment said Laughlin and her husband, fashion designer Musimo Gianoli, "agreed to pay bribes worth $ 500,000 for their two daughters to join the rowing team at the University of Southern California."

In addition, the federal prosecutor in Boston, William Rick Singer, 58, director of Edge College and Carrier Network, was charged with involvement in the fraud.