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Each book has one or more goals, but the original goal can remove the other goals aside or some side to show up in the foreground, although it does not mind that the other goals appear behind it. This is what the original goal of the book "The Explosion," which Professor Heikal wrote about the defeat of 1967, has been. The goal has clearly emerged and reiterated itself, and its existence, and its importance throughout the pages of this huge book, until it repeats itself with every chapter, Professor Haykal said that Israel had breached its agreement with the United States on the purpose of the 1967 war. While the agreement focused on disciplining Gamal Abdel Nasser, Israel took advantage of the opportunity and swallowed up the West Bank and Jerusalem.

This is the goal that has guided Professor Heikal to write extensive and documented in order to consolidate it (in vain of course). And for this purpose opened before him the coffers of American documents to take from them to support this goal, and to make it through the friends of the United States of America that Israel has betrayed the agreement and that America did not agree to this betrayal at any stage of this war, American documents expressly speaking of this. Thus the book was written and published away from the core of the crisis of Egypt which is still paying for it. That is why we hardly see this book in the historical studies that dealt with the 1967 war.

The other goals written by Professor Heikal's book, which he set his eye on, have varied in value, but in the end they fall into a series of lies that Professor Heikal (and the American institution is keen to employ for its purposes) to highlight them, goals known to the reader well aware, and knows beyond ... as two medium-value objectives:

* The war was a punishment for President Nasser before being hostile to Egypt or the Egyptians, and although the Egyptians know this fact, they have raised the faith, and acquired by the civilization are not like Professor Haikal and his ilk who find the way to differentiate between these two goals. Even ordinary Egyptians considered disciplining their leader in this manner as hostility to the entire people, but Mr. Heikal does not believe in such popular sentiment even after he promoted it.

* The war was carried out and the Soviet collusion was motivated by the belief of the Soviets of American superiority, and although the Egyptians know that this statement a large share of health, they instinctively know that this would not change the reality of something about the conspiracy of Americans and fans of Mr. Haikal model.

It came to Professor Heikal that the publication of the draft resolution of President Abdel Nasser to remove the Marshal Abdul Hakim Amer for treatment in Yugoslavia for a month, and then followed by the reasons that prevented the implementation of the resolution

After the great goal and the goals of the medium value is a set of small but very important goals when the owner, where the personal character of the writer, ie, the structure of himself, the subject is associated with the facts of history itself, and this is a set of goals that Professor Haikal all energies to prove .

The first of these aims is to prove the responsibility of Ali Sabri for the deterioration of the Egyptian-American relations, or, more precisely, the American-Nasirite relations at a wrong moment in which he alone was authorized by the President (when this ear departed from Mr. Heikal himself a few hours) Al-Nasser rushed to the rail of remorse or to the party that cost him dearly, and cost the entire Arab nation dearly, when he unleashed with emotion the famous sentence he addressed to the American president asking him to drink from the Red Sea if the White Sea did not clean him. From skill, it is even documentation to make this play Rh seem to avoid as evident from President Abdel Nasser with the premeditated, and then with no apology, but has made a professor structure of this deadly phrase to pronounce express psychological President Abdel Nasser and his mentality, and do not stop at the limits of emotion or impulse.

Mr. Haikal painted the previous picture of President Nasser's speech to this phrase, which makes us conclude that Ali Sabri was the one who pushed his president to this phrase at a time when he was not allowed to pay it while the American hands are affectionate extended to Egypt through Americans who love Egypt, or And so on, the reader finds himself as if to say: If Professor Haikal Al-Saif did not miss President Abdel Nasser for one moment, since the great calamities only occur when Mr. Haikal moves away. For President Abdel Nasser, who is spitting on me Berry what causes disasters!

We come to the second of these small goals. It is the responsibility of this mighty man who is Ali Sabri (also) for the trouble of President Abdel Nasser when he pushed him in a reverse way to keep the Marshal Abdel Hakim Amer at the head of the armed forces. Immediately after President Abdel Nasser himself decided to get rid of Abdel Hakim and took from Abdul Hakim to agree to this at the moment when he faced exposure to the story of his marriage to Ms. Perlanti Abdel Hamid.

It has reached Professor Heikal that the publication of the draft resolution of President Abdel Nasser to remove the Marshal Abdul Hakim Amer for treatment in Yugoslavia for a month (which was the first step in his deportation after discovering his secret marriage of Ms. Perlanti Abdel Hamid), followed by a narrative of the reasons that prevented the implementation of the resolution, On top of it (in the story of Professor Haikal al-Mahbukha), what was revealed by the military intelligence was that the Socialist Union (on which Sabri was the first) was discussing at the level of its young leaders a project entitled "How can a military coup be dealt with?"

Then it came to Mr. Heikal that the pictures of things on the tongue of Ali Sabri in the official investigation conducted with him saying that Ali Sabri did not wish to be the armed forces is the only force at home. Thus, Mr. Heikal completed or resumed his renewed plans to eliminate the image of Ali Sabri and to condemn him for all the disasters that hit Egypt, the line that dominated Mr. Heikal and his pen since the so-called corrective movement in May 1971 and even lost hope of returning to work with Sadat In February 1974 the years passed without returning him to his eyes.