On Sunday morning, a wagon on the S8 towards Moenchengladbach seemed to be more humid than happy: a group of drunken women, who had come together for a bachelorette party, got into a fight. Because the ladies were talking loudly, a traveling 16-year-old interfered and requested, according to the police, a little more peace.

Not a good idea. The teenager was insulted by the revelers first and then apparently spit. One of the women is said to have driven the young man several times over the face, according to WDR with a pompom. After all, the mother of the bride is said to have punched the young man's face with his fist.

When the 16-year-old tried to defend himself, the whole group had beaten him with punches and kicks. On arrival at the Neuss train station, witnesses intervened and called the police. The women were forbidden to continue. A criminal case for joint assault and insult was instituted against her.