Prince Harry and his wife Duchess Sussex Megan Markle chose Megan's mother, Doria Ragland, to sponsor their first baby in April, instead of hiring a nanny.

The duo violates the common royal tradition of royal couples including the Duke of Cambridge in adopting a professional nanny to help care for their children.

Earlier, Harry and Megan, 37, would have been employed by the first "Hollywood nanny" and lifestyle expert Connie Simpson, from Mobil, Alabama, who helped the twins George and Clooney.

She has worked with a group of celebrities such as Justin Timberlake and Jessica Bell, and helped raise more than 250 children over 30 years.

Sources close to Harry and Megan said the couple would not "employ a nanny" at first, suggesting that they could hire a nanny in the future.

There is speculation whether Doria will move to the United Kingdom from Los Angeles or split her time between the two to help raise her grandson.