During a visit to Hamilton Square in Birkenwell, northern England, the Duchess of Sussex is said to have leaked information that fans of the Royals have long been waiting for: The child of the royal couple is due to arrive in April.

So far, Buckingham Palace had always spoken cloudily of "spring" when it came to the expected date of birth. Meghan and Harry got married in May and announced in October that they were expecting their first child.

Also, that she does not know yet, which gender the child has, the US-based actress opened in conversation with well-wishers. She wants to be surprised, said the 37-year-old.

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Meghan and Harry: surprise kid in April

A resident of Birkenhead, seven-time mother Helen O'Toole, reported that Meghan had asked her for advice on giving birth. "Breathe and take everything you offer," she answered. Meghan then embraced her baby belly and laughed. "That was really lovely." Meghan thanked everyone who had come to see them - especially with a 92-year-old who had long endured in the cold.

The royal couple had come to Birkenhead to see a newly erected sculpture on the 100th anniversary of the death of poet Wilfred Owen. Also on the program was a visit to a project to protect vulnerable women and a youth center in Merseyside.

Meghan has taken on patronage for four facilities in the UK. She replaced Queen Elizabeth II at the National Theater and the Commonwealth University Association. She also supports the animal welfare organization "Mayhew" and the "Smart Works" organization, which promotes women in the labor market.

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British Royal House: Duchess and patron