In Granville, as everywhere else in France, this Saturday, November 17 is placed under the sign of the general mobilization. Since 7 am this morning, the Granvillais in yellow vests gathered around the roundabout of E.Leclerc supermarket.

At 9:00, there were only a hundred, this Saturday, November 17. Two hours later, nearly 250 yellow vests invested the roundabout E.Leclerc supermarket in Granville.

Despite the lack of vehicles passing early in the morning, Granville mobilized intend to be heard. However, no blocking is planned. "We slow down the vehicles, we remind them of the reason for our presence and we let them go again," said one of the demonstrators.

"People are rather supportive," says a retired woman angry at government measures. All made the trip today with the same hope: "See things evolve in the right direction. "

No ban on driving

No overflow is, for the moment, to report. Even if some refractory widely displayed their discontent, sometimes violently, the event in Granville is relatively in a pacifist atmosphere.

If the two roundabouts at E.Leclerc supermarket, on the departmental road 924, are filtered by yellow vests, other gatherings should be organized during the day, especially at the roundabout of the Géant Casino, Saint -Pair-sur-Mer. In Bréhal, a blockage is also planned at the roundabout.