The recently opened files of the network of the British organization The Integrity Initiative, which, judging by the materials, was engaged in holding active events in the whole of Europe against Russia and public and political forces sympathetic to it, there are a number of extremely interesting details. It is important that the organization itself was forced to recognize the authenticity of these files.

As for me personally, in the Spanish part of the files uploaded to the network I found a detailed monitoring of all my trips and performances in Spain, reports on the presentation of my books translated into Spanish (and there are a lot of them), and even about any positive references to me and my ideas in the Spanish press and on TV. Everything was provided with photographs and a rather detailed account of the essence of the matter. Having carefully analyzed the array of published internal materials and correlated them with those relating to me, I somewhat delved into the problematics and came to a number of conclusions that I would like to share.

The Integrity Initiative is an organization that, receiving funding from the British government, cannot be considered fully reflecting the national interests of Britain. This is confirmed by a well-organized campaign against the leader of the British Labor Party, Jeremy Corbin, whose methods and algorithms to discredit the Integrity Initiative are openly discussed. Such an attitude towards popular politics is in no way combined with the norms of British democracy, since it is based on the idea of ​​a “social contract”. This means that no authority can know better than the society itself, who is suitable for it as a representative, and who is not.

However, The Integrity Initiative is not a simple PR firm that anyone can hire - for example, to discredit a competitor. This structure is of a completely different level - with a huge influence on a significant part of the political elite of Europe and, possibly, beyond its borders. An episode with Corbin shows that if MI-6 stands behind The Integrity Initiative, it is not as the main customer, but only as a tool subordinate to an even higher level. What is this instance, helps to understand the main activity of this organization.

The Integrity Initiative openly admits that its goal is an ideological war with Russia and especially active opposition to Russian policy toward Europe. At the same time, the main message is supposedly the proof of an “axiom”: Putin’s Russia is an absolute and unconditional enemy, embodying pure world evil. Making the believer in the “power” and omnipresence of “evil Russians” is one of the goals of the entire network. For this purpose, all means under its control are used - controlled politicians, employees of special services, journalists, NGOs, public figures, bloggers, but also fashionable figures of show business and representatives of the scientific community.

Judging by its scope, The Integrity Initiative can conduct anti-Russian campaigns nationwide in most European countries, using the main media, members and even heads of government, deputies, opinion leaders, experts, and so on for its purposes.

Before us is a powerful apparatus of network warfare, which has a geopolitical scale. This scale many times exceeds the level of national interests of modern Britain, since, firstly, for this country the Russian Federation is not a serious threat and is not a competitor, and secondly, no state can have legitimate authority for such direct interference with internal affairs of other countries - up to control over the appointments of members of the government and influence on foreign policy.

Hence the most important conclusion: the one who controls such organizations as The Integrity Initiative should be higher than the nation-states of the West, including those above which the British special services are in charge. The point is that the hackers in the case of The Integrity Initiative managed to attack the segment of the existing network of the World Government - that is, the instance that determines the entire strategy and policy of the Western countries, and through this all the other peoples of the Earth.

Only this can logically explain the systematic approach to discrediting Russia at all levels - from public diplomacy to economic and energy initiatives, from the personality of the head of state to deliberately false accusations of support for "Catalan separatism" (despite the fact that Russia cannot theoretically be interested in this and, moreover, rather leaning towards the official line of Madrid, although in general does not interfere in the situation at all).

The case with my speeches is indicative: my books were published by supporters of Spanish unity, who organized their presentations and campaigns for their distribution (although the books are devoted to completely different topics - Fourth political theory, Orthodoxy, multipolarity, geopolitics, Eurasianism, Heidegger’s philosophy, traditionalism, etc. ). But nevertheless, despite the evidence, The Integrity Initiative gave its agents the order to interweave the theme of Catalan separatism with my visits and contacts. The reason for this was the pro-Russian sympathies of some right-and-left Spanish political forces that actually support a completely constructive dialogue with me and with Russia as a whole.

But the most interesting thing is that it is not only a matter of gross distortion and juggling of the facts - up to their direct falsification. The fact is that The Integrity Initiative regards the struggle with Russia not just as a confrontation of the alleged expansion of Russian interests in Europe, which in itself does not contain anything criminal, but, unfortunately (regrettably), exists so far only in the mind of The Integrity Initiative and similar structures. These structures are fighting against ideas and philosophy, which they - quite artificially sometimes - connect with Russia.

They struggle with Russia as with the idea, as with the ideological platform, as with the philosophical program. They see in Russia that the Russian authorities themselves do not see and are only surprised when a hail of accusations falls on it and when it becomes the goal of a full-fledged network war, where all means are good.

This is no longer a state competition, as it was in the “Big Game” between the Russian and British empires, it is something more. The World Government is clearly aware that with all its power, a serious opponent is about to appear - not so much even from the outside (from Russia or China), but from the inside. Against him, above all, and directed the activities of such powerful structures as The Integrity Initiative. Russia is here only a marker and the easiest way to discredit and demonize these alternative trends. At the beginning, using the Cold War clichés, Russia and its head, “Iron Putin,” and at the same time “Russian philosophers” (as your humble servant) are demonized. Then, by “references to the Russian trace” and “Russian support,” all forces that constitute a threat are outlawed.

Threat to whom? Not England, not Spain, not Greece, not the European Union and not even the West as a whole, and certainly not democracy, since democracy is intended to follow the will of those who conclude a “social contract” at their discretion, and not to tell their citizens what is good and what is bad. This is called in other words - totalitarianism and dictatorship. An alternative is a threat to global ideological hegemony, which is embodied in the global conspiracy of elites that have agreed to turn liberalism into a criterion of a universally binding universal outlook and build in their own interests the World Liberal Order.

All those who think differently should be discredited, marginalized (for this purpose, Russia is perfectly suited as a scapegoat) and destroyed. This applies to European populism (both left and right), the anti-globalization government of Italy, the "yellow vests", the fighters against capitalism and emigration. Welcome to the new liberal concentration camp. Orwell returns not quite from the side from which everyone thought. Interestingly, the word integrity itself can be translated as "honesty." But the closed materials of the organization with such an “honest” name (The Integrity Initiative), published by hackers, tell us how to lie better and more effectively. That's it: war is peace, hatred is love, slavery is freedom. And dirty lies and fakes are not just interpretations of the facts, but of the facts themselves - it turns out to be “honesty”.

And the last thing: reading materials from inside showing how the Integrity Initiative network works causes a persistent feeling of déjà vu: does a segment of the same or completely similar structure also exist in our society? The activity of some political figures, individuals, NGOs, and even academia is very similar to the familiar algorithm. But the theme of the Russian "sleeping" - the material for a separate note.

The point of view of the author may not coincide with the position of the editorial board.