German nutritionist Harald Zaitz warned that high blood sugar levels pave the way for diabetes and obesity, and the consequent heart disease and circulatory system.

To avoid these serious risks, Zaitis advises that blood sugar levels be adjusted through healthy nutrition by reducing carbohydrates such as white bread, pasta and desserts, as they raise the blood sugar level in order to supply it with energy.

Instead, the body can be energized without raising the level of sugar in the blood through more healthy fats, whose sources of food are avocados, nuts, fish such as salmon, mackerel and cold pressed vegetable oils, such as olive oil.

Zaites stressed the importance of caution from fruit because it contains fructose, which causes blood sugar to rise. So you should eat fruits moderately and eat varieties, which contain a little fructose, such as berries and acidic fruits.

It is also important to reduce caffeine-containing beverages such as coffee and energy drinks, because they raise the blood sugar level.

"It is important to exercise regularly to control sugar levels in blood," he said. "It helps to reduce sugar by converting glucose into energy, so muscles can use it during training." For this purpose, sport should be exercised at least three times a week for 30 minutes at a time.