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In the summer of 2017, I read a book about the revolutions of the Arab Spring, the role of Al-Jazeera in its support, and the choice of the desire of the rebellious peoples. The book bore the title "Between the Island and the Revolution: Years of Despair and the Winds of Change." In the book, Great in its own, "our pyramid is waiting for this historic moment." It is a phrase that carries many meanings and meanings, and summarizes the position in short sentences, understandable, eloquent in content and content. As if the tongue of the people of the Somali region in Ethiopia express the bouts of freedom, blatantly in the content of that phrase.

For the moment, the Somalis waited for the moment in which they expressed their Somali identity and defied all odds with an eager national spirit, with which the rest of the Ethiopian nationalities shared marginalization and systematically obscured identities with a clear policy of segregation. The visitor to this city - now - sees with his own eyes: how do people yearn for freedom, emancipation, and take it strongly, even from relatives? Their political discussions and conversations in cafes are all about a rogue group that has implemented a minority agenda that has mastered the dismantling of the fabric of the social fabric and the assassination of all national meanings for a sectarian project that eventually collided with the stubborn rock of reality.

Since the eruption of the Ethiopian Spring Revolution in 2014, and the aftermath of that revolution, the region has been marked by new features and a geopolitical map that has taken on the responsibility of the spirit of innovative alliances, with the revision of old alliances. With the emergence of these wild and ambitious revolutions to the public, I was hesitant to write about this country, with which we share the common denominators, the common history and the machinery of the revolution; explore the future of the Somali region in the midst of these rapid transformations above the scene, - to a number of reasons combined, perhaps in the forefront of the distance from the focus of events, and the scarcity of information I have!

I took my feet over Djekka for the first time in 2009, and on my way to the Ethiopian capital of Addis Ababa, where I had an excellent night of policing - meaning the word did not know how to sleep -

I have visited the city of Djekkka, the administrative capital of the Somali region in Ethiopia recently. I have been embarrassed, and I have had to write my impressions of the region, evaluate the experience of the revolution in light of the current transformations and reflect the popular gift led by the Oromo nation. 34.49% of the population of Ethiopia - the lives of Somalis in the region, and the roof of their freedoms after the revolution. There are legitimate questions that arise automatically. Have the Somalis benefited from the margin of freedom and the political climate? Which led to its breezes with the winds of revolution, and the reformist man, Dr. Abi Ahmed, the scene with all its manifestations, and its manifestations at all levels and levels, albeit at a different pace.

Jijja between 2009 and 2018

I took my feet over Djekka for the first time in 2009. I was on my way to the Ethiopian capital of Addis Ababa, where I had a special night of policing - with the meaning of the word - I did not know how to sleep the way to Jaffouni. The police checked my identity in an inappropriate way. They repeated their usual questions. What is the purpose of the visit? Why transit in Djekka? As if I were an outcast alien who had no right to stay in the city; for which someday 55,000 Somali troops were moved in 1977; historically known as the "war of Western liberation".

Today, Pat scene is different, Glory mold conditions! Where all the Somalis are now living, not police questions chasing outsiders, not even the special police "Leo Polis" questioning visitors, the equation has changed - exactly - the city has breathed a sigh of relief, all citizens are equal before the law, the age of tyranny, The secret is unjust! On the other hand, the chaos and the misuse of freedom of speech and expression seem remote to me. On the pretext that we are in a free political climate, there are those who tamper with social harmony with reckless childish behavior and liquidate old accounts by the weak souls of the remnants of the former regime.

Political Impacts:

To break the political crisis in the Somali region of Ethiopia, and the surrounding region of the fifth of the nine provinces of Ethiopia, the political effects; the result of the Ethiopian spring that overthrew the rule of the President of Haile Miriam Tsalin, the Somali territory is not isolated from the policy of Ethiopia, The godfather of the counter-revolution, the former president of the region, Abdi Mahmoud Omar, was hit by a wall; ignoring the instructions of Prime Minister Abi Ahmed, resulting in innocent civilian casualties, the region almost invoked a spiral of bloody violence.

Abdi Mahmoud tried to activate Article 39 of the Ethiopian Federal Constitution, which explicitly states that all regions have the right to self-determination and separation whenever they deem it necessary. Without the intervention of the federal army to proceed in this reckless way, these measures were dictated by the Tigray nation.

In the wake of the appointment of the civil society activist Mustafa Mohammed Omar as the President of the State; replacing Abdi Omar, Mustafa made several fundamental amendments that affect the interest of the citizen, including: the closure of the prison " The abolition of the interference of the special police known as "Leo Polis" and the integration of the flag of the Territory Somali Somali flag; to indicate that the Somali region to the core; to deny the charge of melting Somali identity, and finally, was adopted Somali national anthem, with a government The territory of a policy of openness to the opposition, and open the door of dialogue with them.

Right Chairman of the Somali Regional Government Ethopia Mustafa Omar, left Minister of State Information Somali government Puntland

communication Web-sites

Meeting with the President of the Region:

During the course of my recent visit to Djekjka, it was very crowded and organized; thanks to the Government Liaison Office (the Ministry of Information of the Region), the Honorable Ministers, Mr. Abdel Razzaq El Sayed, Deputy Minister of the Presidential Palace (Kasr) and Mr. Taher Abdi, Minister of the Cooperative Office; To overcome the difficulties in front of me, they have all my thanks and appreciation and gratitude.

I had a meeting with the President of the Somali Region, Mustafa Mohamed, presented him - during the meeting - proposals aimed at the process of change in the region, the visitor - always - different from the resident, for its comprehensiveness in the vision; for that was very keen to advise him, It is too late, and I have limited my advice in the field of media and culture; for their importance in consolidating the foundations of an emerging state that is rich in cultural diversity such as Ethiopia and we agreed to adopt soft power as an option to control the Somali collective mind in the Horn of Africa.

In fact, my remarks - to their humility - were welcome, the President put me in front of the real picture of the province in enlightenment lasted a while, informed me of the problems surrounding them, summarized by me - His Excellency - the deep state, the remnants of the former regime, and his vision to eradicate them from Region "because they are a challenge at the federal level, and hamper the development process in the region." He told me that in the coming period he would focus on building and rehabilitating the Somali individual by providing basic services such as education, health and others, moving forward in the field of human rights, ensuring freedom of speech and a strong media that feels social responsibility towards his people. In a vicious circle!

Proposed solutions for the Oromo crisis with Somalis:

For nearly four years, or more, there has been a festering crisis between the Somalis and the sister nation of Oromo because of territorial disputes that claimed hundreds of lives and left two million people homeless. The conflict fueled the regime - overthrown by the popular revolution - as part of their strategy to tighten the parties, dismantle nationalities, and stir up sedition within their fabric; to prolong the conflict, and to hunt in turbid waters.

The Ethiopian spring began, the first time, when the Ethiopian government wanted to confiscate land owned by the Oromo, rebelled against the government; they even managed to drop it and recover what was lost. Today, the Oromians are trying to plunder land owned by the Somalis in Tolle Gould, Babli and Mwaili, all in the Somali region, the question remains: Why do we make the same mistakes? And why should my Oromi brothers exterminate their brothers in the faith of the Somalis ?! When will we wake up and return consciousness? We - if - need a radical revolution that changes our concepts! Revolution that deals with problems from the depths, not just cosmetic powders we put them as false masks; while we embrace the rights of others!

Finally, I send my message to the Ethiopian Prime Minister, Dr. Abi Ahmed, that we should hasten the suppression of the fire and stop the bloodshed. We have known you as a reformer who loves peace and has succeeded in building bridges of peace between the two neighboring countries Ethiopia and Eritrea after decades of estrangement. Religious strife between Muslims and Christians in the "Gemma" in the region of Europe, and also hope to succeed in reconciliation between the Somali and Eurominational. I am confident that this message will be received by the esteemed Prime Minister.