In my ongoing exploration of the beautiful things that struggle to survive in the time of social networking, I found the word friend, a word that technology adopted by force the alleged cloak of evolution, changing the concept of someone you know the certainty and share with him many things to name or number on the list of Friends of Social Media .

The concepts introduced by the Web have turned friendship into a mere click of a button, a friendship with no boundaries or conditions, friends you do not know or know, you may not talk to or talk to you, pseudonyms, fake characters. Personally, I have tried to put so many names And the characters who roam the social networking paths of friends, I could not, because I see them as false friendships, and like the eugenics, and very similar to the Avril fish, which was headed at the beginning of January and its tail on the last day of December.

The true friendship is a noble relationship that brings people together and is composed of their souls, ideas and perceptions. It is an insurmountable dam that stands in the face of time, and we rarely find a person who does not have a friend who sees him as his black box where his secrets and sorrows are buried. To be limited to a number of lycat or messages or comments, because the personalities of social networks have spread so many delusion and lies and hypocrisy in the way of many, and in our Arab societies often confuse concepts and meanings, and between the apparent and the essence, so we made the ropes of the media media hanged for many The beautiful things that Ka T exist in our lives, giving us this virtual world the lion's share of Aomyatna, you may not sit with your friends for days and rightful weeks, and friends give the illusion of your time and your thinking and share their opinions and Tugeatk, friendship ends and began the push of a button.

Can we turn to the conduct of our human relations electronically? Can we succumb to the brutality of predatory technology and lose the intimacy of the meeting with our friends? Social networking sites are a mirage kingdom that allows false friendships to intrude into your life, and you may lose your true friendships and relationships. Cups of coffee, a friend clasping your hand, share with you the moments of joy and sadness. Talks and memories, hilarious cheers, are all images of technology that no matter how developed can fill its void, it is easy to close your accounts on social networking sites and target those who have given them the honor of being a friend in a forgotten cemetery. But it is hard to fold one note into your book of true friendships and relationships , Because the latter six In time, the balance of passion for the map and in the Spirit, and you will know the difference between reality and theater stage where the diverse characters and scenarios, the only theater director is a chance, open to all possibilities.

One true friend who hears you and curses you and fights for you, as if you are in body and image better than armies of friends of illusion on social networks, so share your path only with those who deserve, draw the boundaries of your relationship strictly according to your principles and ethics, Time is a circle, and it can not give you the opportunity to go back to the starting point, so always choose a good friend who will be a mirror to yourself, enlighten your path, support you in your moments of weakness, be the friend you desire, and try to be perfect in your relationships to the fullest. One day stands to heal the effects of wounds was an invoice for your naivety or speed you or understand you etc I of the meaning of friendship, one of the highest relations in the universe, and in the last Tsthoudrna saying Palestinian poet Mahmoud Darwish, "Is in the quest to choose my dreams lest I dream of what can not be achieved", and you are in your power to choose your friends, choose who deserves this title.