News from the island

  • Amnesty International: Egypt Sisi has become a prison for dissidents
  • Two killed in new demonstrations in Sudanese cities
  • Maduro closes the Venezuelan embassy in Washington and America withdraws its diplomats
  • US government closures, deadlock in Congress and emergency draft at the White House
  • An Amnesty report on the torture of human rights activists in Saudi Arabia and British lawmakers warn

A girl in the age of flowers, carried her home from the house to the street, did not go to school to receive basic education like her peers at that stage, it was the gate of the bank and parking garage, which used to stand next to them to sell sweets and milk for pedestrians are school and seat and bag. And some people buy it, and the feelings of sadness and pity engulf their hearts, and others repel and expose them more harsh views than the amount spent in the age of butterflies between the clouds of cars, the noise of the road, and the looks of pedestrians.

The little girl who was tired, pale, pale, with a worn-out, worn-out shame, did not know many of the answers that the passers-by had given her without compassion or pity. But her father, who was a military attaché and paid a decent wage, The house was very rough. And they are no longer the devil but to cast his reputation for the whistling of friendly irony, and looking for money by any means to buy the property of death so as not to collapse nerves, and disturbed members, and disintegrate strings, and the house in the destruction and destruction of everything that he sees in front of him.

The mother was running away with her addicted husband to save some of the household supplies, so he could not find the money; he went to buy the poison to live his life absent from the world. His family lived absent from the flavor of happiness, so they fed their days and nights hungry or on the broken bread that his sons gathered from the good people of the city. . This devil did not stop his monthly salary to satisfy his sick appetite, and his children and his wife struggled to get more money to remain absent from the world. Perhaps his eternal absence to the worlds of nothingness is more merciful to this family, which has been crushed by life. His little daughter did not find a way to leave school and go out to work in the street at the age of the little butterfly.

She dreamed of being a full-fledged child, going to school, having fun with her peers, reading the lesson, and sketching in the brochure of the fine arts everything she could think of and reviving her heart

The 12-year-old girl, who sells sweets and milk, wandered between the bank door and the garage until she was two years old. At the same time, she was not immune from the years of childhood that did not wear anything. , And the smell of smoke that does not work with the cold. But the harshness of the days has refined its character and provided it with much stubbornness and strength, and blew within it springs of determination, and the challenge of the misery of generous life, and the injustice of fate.

After a period of hard work, she was sitting on her feet for more than ten hours, renting a small stall where she sold flowers and toiletries to satisfy the instinct of her father, who only saw her on the bed or leaned in the corners of the house, shouting at the effect of the ready-made preparations she had been addicted to for years. It has ways of treatment. The more she looks at her peers as they get back and go back to the road, wearing the school uniform (the planned bib), her body experienced fits of severe chills, and tears ran down her cheeks, which made her life protrusions, in the age of flowering valiant, whose sleeves did not open to life. Absence of thought and sedition is not like the absence of her dreaded father who robbed her heart of childhood malice before it smelled fresh.

She dreamed of being a child full of childhood, going to school, entertaining with her peers, reading the lesson, sketching in the brochure of the fine arts everything that went in her mind and refreshed her heart, not thinking of taking responsibility, sticking to the bank or walking around in the garage! O womanhood absent in the features of the hell of society, and the plight of life, and the nebula of memory! How much of a girl like her time with its coffins, and her days in the land, and disappeared in the depths of the unknown! One day her mother told her that a young man under 18 years of age was working as a bus driver who could offer her an engagement.

The mother who had long ago tried to convince her daughter to agree to get out of the hell of life, and to be free from the prison that has been piled up in her cages since her eyes have seen life. The greedy father tried to put obstacles and excuses in front of his poor daughter's future so as not to waste money buying death doses, but he failed to decide the fate of the girl who grew up amidst the traffic jam, the chaos of the road and the injustice of the ruthless society. Her husband was like a small blood or a cat who knows nothing about responsibility and life, and does not see himself masculinity and masculinity unless he beat her without cause and drown her face, and hurt her limbs bruises and bruises!

Whenever the wife tries to reconcile with him and change his sadistic behavior, the more violent physical violence, and psychological abuse, and the qualities of her father roaring in the fog of death. The woman gave birth to a child and a child from her abusive husband, who used to give her a lot of worry and grief, and she was comforted whenever the evil man applied to her, cutting her between his teeth. The poor girl's attempts to reach an understanding with this bad husband continued to maintain her two children; they are her only asset in this life, where she did not know the taste of rest, but he did not care about it. What it means is to drink cigarettes and narghileh and stay up late at night.

One day, the mother read an announcement in the official gazette, in which one of the charities announced that she needed to work as a cook at the society cafeteria to win the woman fighting this job.

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The wife realized that life with this villain became shorter than the age of the cigarette applied to him between his fingers, despite the knowledge that divorce is not a success story that can be recorded by the girl in her autobiography, and not a cause of pride and happiness; especially that her father's house is no less miserable and unhappy about the failed marriage experience which I lived with this young man. And how will society today look at an absolute girl who was walking around yesterday between the bank and the garage selling frankincense and candy?

But the girl who was refined by life, and made the hardships of its work was able to re-determine its fate again and decided to break the chapters and details of the misery of the resurrection and the fate of the heavy burdens have been alternated with the burden of other responsibilities; the responsibility of a child and a child who have no breadwinner, Which is paid by their father every month, and she can not go back to the flower stall that she left years ago. In the midst of the short marriage experience, women have learned how to be an ingenious chef, preparing delicious meals at the lowest cost.

One day, the mother read an announcement in the official gazette, in which one of the charities announced that she needs to work as a chef in the society cafeteria to win the woman who fights this job. She becomes a cook specialized in preparing meals and proving her worth in dealing with life. The mother was proficient in the preparation of pancakes and sweets for orphaned children who are cared for and educated by the association. The children loved her how she treated them with the same tenderness and warmth that she distributed to her two children, and her good reputation and reputation among all the workers in the society.

Some people felt envy and jealousy from a poor mother who possessed the minds of everyone and she did not complete her first year in the job, like many institutions governed by the law of the sea, like fish, eat the big fish so small that you find in the belly of one fish dozens of small fish, Cost itself to chew it, and so the lives of people in many social folds, without law, and no matter, no morals. The friendly fate persuaded her to remain absolute and live with her young children, and refuse to associate with any young man until the president of the association who gave her his pure innocent love, and what extinguishes the fire of love that is not revealed!

Love does not measure distances, levels, or classes, and does not look at the faint lines of society, but who guarantees that it will not return to the prison from which it was liberated again? What is the fate of her young children who are on the brink of school? And while she was deep in thought, she had an idea that she had tried to settle in for some time and wondered: Is not it right for a young girl in the age of flowers to marry before they give her nectar? Woe to this society that is not compassionate! And the tears of the heart of her eye, and her heart palpable meaning, and then looked at her two young children and kissed their hands and wiped on their heads and said more manly voice of her baby and her father who is still waiting for the last slap of death will not be urging me in the fate of society.