Forces in Mallorca are looking for two Germans who will be missing after the heavy storm and flooding. "We are also looking for two people with German citizenship," the rescue services reported on Twitter.

It should be a couple. Sabine Lammers, Germany's consul in Majorca, said on the radio, the last two people had had contact with a friend and said that they were trapped in a vehicle.

The search for the missing boy will continue today. After the floods, people are now looking for two persons of German nationality.

- 112 Illes Balears (@ 112IllesBalears) October 11, 2018

The floods killed at least ten people. According to the authorities, among the dead are six Spaniards, a British couple and a woman from the Netherlands. The identity of a death victim is not yet clear.

Already since Wednesday, the helpers are looking for a five-year-old child. According to the authorities, the body of his mother was found. She is said to have managed to get her seven-year-old daughter out of the car before she and her son were torn away.

Heavy rains on Tuesday caused floods in the east of Majorca, many people spent the night in shelters. The hardest hit were the towns of Sant Llorenç des Cardassar, S'Illiot and Arta around 60 kilometers east of Palma.

The violence of the storm surprised the authorities: Within hours, fell about 220 liters of rain per square meter, as the regional government in the short message service Twitter reported. A torrent overflowed the shore. In Sant Llorenç des Cardassar cars were pushed over each other by the flood. In the flooded streets floated mattresses, furniture and debris. Other streets were covered with mud.