At the age of 49, British musician Keith Flint, a member of the electronic band The Prodigy, committed suicide.

In the official Instagram of the group, a message appeared that confirms the sad fact: “This news is true. I can't believe I'm saying this, but our brother Keith killed himself over the weekend. I'm shocked, very angry, confused. And the heart is shattered. ”

There is a feeling that the broad masses are no longer surprised at the next stellar hara-kiri, and this is understandable. It does not take a year for any musician who has "achieved everything" to lay his hands on himself.

They say that suicides actually want their mental suffering to stop, not life, but for some reason no one shows them that there is another way to alleviate the pain. So Flint followed his colleagues - Chester Bennington, Chris Cornell, Bob Welch.

At the beginning of his career, Keith Flint was just a dancer, but in 1996 he showed himself as a vocalist in the single Firestarter. In the video for this song, Flint appeared in a new image, which became the hallmark of The Prodigy.

Then there was the very successful album of The Fat of the Land, which featured four songs in which Flint sang: Breathe, Serial Thrilla, Firestarter and Fuel My Fire. The success of the album made Flint actually face The Prodigy. His freak appearance appealed to our open spaces: on many Russian walls one could see an aggressive-minded guy with “horns”. Alarming music The Prodigy in Russia loved.

When I studied at a school in a small provincial town, every second person had their song Breathe on a call. I don’t speak about the capitals at all - the sites that the guys gathered gathered, they speak for themselves.

For example, their performance at Manezhnaya Square within the framework of Ballantine's Urban High, where The Prodigy were headliners: according to various estimates, that day the group was heard from 100 thousand to 250 thousand people.

Flint also had several solo and side projects, such as Flint and Clever Brains Fryin '. However, they could not be commercialized, except for the rather successful single AIM 4 of the Flint group.

The idol of the 2000s had a peculiar relationship with women. If you do not take into account the chaotic ties in the period of total self-destruction with the help of drugs and alcohol, you can focus on his wife, a Japanese-born DJ Mayumi Kai, performing under the pseudonym DJ Gedo Super Mega Bitch.

The media wrote that for the first three months the newly-born husband and wife could not understand a single word in each other’s speech. Flint did not really know who his chosen one was, and this didn’t particularly bother him, since Mayumi supported Flint in his main passion, motorcycles. On weekends, the couple often went on a trip to Europe to visit the Grand Prix, got into an accident and stuff like that. Flint even had Team Traction Control, her own motorcycle team, which participated in the UK Super-Sport Championship.

They also say that the electronics technician quit using substances that change consciousness, and became vegan, monitored health, and also liked to dig deeper in the garden - he had a large area with a rather nice house. To be more precise, the building of the Tudor era, which is of historical value, was once gathered by Oliver Cromwell’s soldiers. The whale restored the building when it was in a ruined state, and also bought the street in Bristol specifically to take stones from its pavement appropriate to the style of his house.

In addition, Flint was very fond of dogs, in his domain were six. It would seem, why not live?

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It seems that the general fashion for such music is gone, and also for that type of drugs. As the singer Marshal correctly noted, the epochs in music are determined by fashion for certain drugs. And there is no longer those nerves and excitement around your group.

It would be possible to calmly stroke the dogs in your area, for which you care so carefully, ride a bike, sometimes stopping at your own pub, and, once in two months, go to your performance - to Moscow, for example. Did not work. Own disturbing music caught up and overtook you, and death instructed its "horns."

The point of view of the author may not coincide with the position of the editorial board.