In a dispute in Nuremberg, two men were run over by a S-Bahn and killed. As the police announced, came at S-Bahn station Frankenstadion in the night of Saturday, several people together. Three men fell on the track shortly after midnight in the dispute. One of them was able to escape from the approaching train. The other two men were overrun despite full braking and fatally injured.

A murder commission took over the investigation. The trigger of the dispute is not yet known. The police are looking for the third party in the investigation.

Police and firefighters worked with a large number of local workers. There, the forces met numerous people, both on the platform and on the train, who were cared for by several emergency counselors. The Bayerischer Rundfunk reported that this included a group of minors who had just come from a party. They were provided with tea in buses until they were picked up by their parents.