I, like any other simple reader, are actually already tired of the endless twitching of colleagues - regardless of the coast.

Here you read the headline "Trump reflects on the attack on the Russian troops" and you think: "Well, hello, we're starting an old bard song" Anti-anti-missiles rushed ... "and crawling in the sheet in the direction of the cemetery." Then we find out that this is taken from the WSJ text, which, of course, refers to anonymous sources. Well, now the topic is in America - anonymous as a document of the era. Then it turns out that the oath of Trump, which these newspapers and these "sources" like a bone in his throat, still purportedly chooses for what purposes to strike in case of using "chemical weapons" - according to the Iranians, the Syrians or the Russians. Further - stories about chlorine, which the insidious Middle Eastern dictator Assad has already prepared for the destruction of the opposition in Idlib.

And then it becomes clear that the newspaper WSJ and its free aides in the person of domestic journalists stupidly stir up the conflict. How do you, dear colleagues, imagine the imposition of a strike by one nuclear country on the positions of another nuclear country? Although the government invited the Russians there, and on what grounds the Americans are constantly floundering there, no one knows.

Well, imagine!

And it's not even grandfather stories about the Cheka and air strikes. This is a regular army against the regular. Presented? Well, then go and poke your dollars out of the egg capsule.

Further distortions about chemical weapons are also very indicative. Well, firstly, chlorine is not a chemical weapon, and if it is, it is exactly the same as a truck on the quay in Nice. Or in the Breitscheid square in Berlin. That is, weapons of terrorists, not government troops. And a detailed immersion in the topic of our "partners" speaks only of the fact that it is not Assad that prepares bleach.

Well, and secondly, the classic twitching, of course: "opposition" - instead of just writing: "Islamist terrorist groups." How long would such an "opposition" have lived, for example, in Israel? Day? Half a day? And no one, except the most freezed Merkelian hippies, would not even vyknul. By the way, about Merkel. Here they write to us that the lady is also considering the option of striking German forces in Syria. Well, if this happens, then we will be stylistically pleased to write: "And again German planes bombed other cities ..." Words that accurately reflect the state of minds in the government of Merkel.

Why nice? Yes, because we love when people speak out in their hypocrisy.

Indeed, Merkel herself justified the launch of one and a half million "Syrian refugees" through open (contrary to the German Constitution) borders with the words: "The German soldier can no longer instruct the machine on women and children". Type, it will be perceived incorrectly in the channel of the historical image of old Germany and in general eternal repentance for the crimes of the Nazi regime. And that's why it is necessary to open the borders and forbid the border guards to serve.

But to raise into the air German bombers, as then over Smolensk, - so it's for a sweet soul. Speak, speak. We listen. Attentively.

It is clear in fact what is happening now in Idlib. The tripartite summit between Russia, Turkey and Iran over the fate of the province on September 7 brought inconsistent results.

Idol should be taken by Idlib at any cost (just do not say that this price is three bottles of bleach, there are other layouts). If successful, only small islets of resistance IG * in the desert will remain.

By the way, why Lavrov does not ask the Europeans on the forehead: "Tell me, colleagues, but you are fighting for YGIL *? Or just sympathetic? "Because, whatever one may say, it looks exactly like that. And no stories about some "opposition to the tyrant" can not hide this fact. Trump, tell me, are you white or red?

If Merkel claims to strike at Assad forces in the case of an operation in Idlib, this will mean that the Germans are critical of the idea of ​​Russians to get to the borders of Turkey and give her their version of the "Turkish stream" with the transit pipe. Germany is the customer of the construction of the Southern Gas Corridor of the EU through Turkey, and the Russian pipeline hinders the Germans. At the same time, the EU is interested in preserving the Ukrainian transit, subject to the construction of the "Nord Stream-2". And Germany and Turkey - against Russia on the issue of alternative construction of the southern pipe.

And then, of course, an anonymous WSJ source comes out, which tells the world that Trump was absolutely crazy and was going to bomb the Russians. The beautiful reality in which we live.

* "Islamic State" (IG, IGIL) - the organization is recognized as terrorist by decision of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2014.

The author's point of view may not coincide with the editorial position.