A sad date falls on Western Christmas - the anniversary of the execution of the ruler of Romania, Nicolae Ceausescu and his wife Elena.

This event is worth remembering. In the world press then a storm broke out - the villain and bloody tyrant Ceausescu shot thousands of peaceful, unarmed miners. Since then, we have seen many such storms. That cruel Gaddafi sends planes to bomb the peaceful cities of his country. That bloody Assad fills Banu girl and other Syrians with poison gas just because they love freedom. That bloodthirsty Saddam Hussein orders to throw the Kuwaiti babies out of the incubators. And every time this message is picked up by all the media. The usual martial discourse mongers speak, inflame the people to delight and make them applaud the next execution. This system is perfectly adjusted - it works without errors and failures. Still, another point of view was before Gorbachev in Russia, but the further the restructuring progressed, the closer the positions of the Russian and Western media came together.

For many Russians, perestroika was the hope of pluralism of opinion and freedom of judgment. But this hope began to be realized only now, in recent years, and then with difficulty. And so - during the restructuring of the press remained the same totalitarian, even more totalitarian than it was before. Only her vector has changed. She became tougher: the fig in the pocket could not be shown. It was necessary to pick up and execute the instructions of Yakovlev and Chubais, Korotich and Nuykin.

From a media point of view, the restructuring was a restructuring of the Russian media apparatus to the needs of the Western mass propaganda system. Until then, there was a diversity of opinions in the West, but by 1990 almost all world media — from Russia to America — suddenly spoke in one voice. Then for the first time what Dugin calls the world government manifested itself, and I called the masters of discourse.

Nicolae Ceausescu fell victim to this list. Since the owners decided that it was time to end with a variety of opinions, and it was necessary that everyone sang under one tune, Ceausescu was doomed. He was too independent. Romania under his command went far from the power of the Kremlin. Then Romania, a member of the socialist camp, the Warsaw Pact and the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance, was probably one of the most independent countries. Even more independent (in socialist Europe) were only Albania and Yugoslavia.

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Romania maintained good relations with Israel, took Western loans, and condemned the invasion of Czechoslovakia. She danced on the verge between West and East, between social and capital camps.

I have been to Romania in 1981 and I remember a pretty pretty Eastern European country with plenty of beer, no-problem hotels. Like Hungary.

Ceausescu first caused the hatred of his owners with his decision to repay loans and get out of debt bondage. All Western press mourned this decision, which forced the Romanians to tighten their belts. It would be better if they always paid for the loans forever and never paid them back - from the point of view of creditors. After all, the hatred of Putin in the West first flared when he paid off debts. This is not the place to discuss a link between financiers living with loans and mass media. Let's talk about this another time. But they don’t exactly like to be paid off with debts.

Ceausescu did not accept Russian perestroika. However, it was not accepted anywhere in the socialist camp. But in other Warsaw Pact countries, the Kremlin had stronger positions, and Moscow was in the hands of Gorbachev, and then Yeltsin, Yakovlev, Chubais.

One by one, the governments of the socialist countries fell, the rulers went to prison, and these countries included NATO troops. Romania held on. And then in the West, they bloated the bloody myth about the massacre of the miners of Timisoara. What can I say - it was fiction from beginning to end. Now, few people remember this legend, but then it worked. Power in Bucharest faltered.

They claim that Ceausescu was overthrown by special agents of the KGB of the USSR, who had flown in by order of Gorbachev and shot the general secretary and his wife. I don’t know if it’s true or this maneuver that the people who came to power in Romania tried to translate the arrows. But the Romanians I met were sure of that.

Ceausescu tried to be a good ruler of his difficult (like all liberated from under Ottoman rule) countries. He did not succeed. He tried to maneuver so that Romanians could live better. But freedom of maneuver rapidly ended in 1990. Following him went to prison and the head of the GDR. But nowhere has the old government been torn down so harshly, showing the world that the new world authorities will not stand on ceremony.

Peace be upon yours, Nicholas, and yours, Elena.

The point of view of the author may not coincide with the position of the editorial board.