News from the island

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  • Trump asks a seventh child: Do you still believe in Pope Noel?
  • "The general illusion" .. The law of amnesty that disappointed the Jordanians
  • State organization adopts the attack on the Libyan Foreign Ministry
  • Houthis accuse Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates of violating the ceasefire in Hodeidah

History has undergone many changes and radical changes that have changed its course and changed its course in many aspects of life and the way people live .. Perhaps the greatest of these transformations and the most influential people on the agricultural revolution, which appeared first signs before nearly ten thousand years .. As small communities and limited number and strength From the life of fishing and movement to settlement and agriculture .. Hence began to be the first large communities that we know today as in the land of the Nile and the land of Palestine.

The second great change, the strongest and the most influential, was the industrial revolution of the eighteenth century and the beginning of the emergence of the capitalist economy as it was today. After the collapse of the feudal system and the displacement of millions of rural inhabitants who were laid off, migration to the city, The only option for the rural population.

With the influx of numbers, the increase in population and production, and the beginning of the appearance of welfare, we grow in the factories and the means of production the sense of tyranny and the desire to grind the hard working class. The class, which works for long hours and finds nothing but clogged with its shaft and has no means of production. To decide or participate in the manufacture of public life .. The class was obscene dominated in Europe .. I moved people from the bondage of priests and monks in the church to the worship of owners and major traders.

When you look at the demands of the secular elite in all the Arab countries without exception you will find that they do not give up to be one of its items demanding the equality of inheritance between men and women

When the problems of the working class increased and the number of work hours increased, and the holidays and wages were removed, the first signs of popular resistance to the bourgeoisie emerged. The unions that flourished in the forms of protest were established. The strike was the most damaging to the people. The flow of funds to their accounts depended in a provocative manner. They were subjected to heavy financial losses .. The solution was to expel all men striking workers and replace them with women and give them half of the salary of men with the same number of working hours.

It is strange that women accepted .. This was the beginning of a profound transformation in the structure of society, where this will be the first time in the history in which a woman graduated to work with such intensity .. To this moment was not the concept of equality has come into being as the church culture, which was still receiving The European society has looked at the woman he considered a second class man. But what the bourgeoisie did was the first step that opened the door to a new class struggle whose effects are still darkening today. The idea of ​​equal pay Men and women, and to establish laws allowing them to strike and to freedom of assembly. Therefore, this battle is materialistic. In other words, women, despite all the serious violations they are subjected to, and despite all the qualitative characteristics that used to print the decisions of the rulers of the states, were only material demands and did not long to turn to the demand for civil rights that guaranteed women a decent place in society.

Political exploitation of the issue in the Arab countries:

When you look at the demands of the secular elite in all the Arab countries without exception you will find that they do not give up to be one of the items demanding equality of inheritance between men and women .. I wonder how this elite overlooks the real problems of the situation of women who do not have good education and good medicine in all countries The Arabs? And how to raise a topic that they know is categorically rejected by the Islamic Ummah. Have we lived in the same history of Europe or witnessed profound transformations in the structure of society that we have seen?

When these calls coincide with the moments when the big decisions are passed and the difficult times when the Arab citizen will inevitably come out and protest and demand improvement, then these calls are purely political calls to distract peoples and divert the course of the community debate from improving the situation to attacking. Those elite that have been confirmed and supported by hidden forces in the Arab countries and lobbies whose aim is to leave the situation as it is to benefit from the good of the Arab world and the accumulation of funds in their accounts in Switzerland. The elite that is vacationing in Paris. The caviar price changes are being discussed between Geneva and London. They do not know that the people who plunder their goods and colluding on this will once have the word because history is unfair and unfair, but in the end it is fair.