Atletico Madrid president Enrique Cerezo faces charges of using racial expression after telling a reporter he will not discuss money matters with a woman after asking him about the club's ability to make a convincing offer to renew defender Diego Godin.

"To be honest, I do not want to talk about money because it seems rude, especially if talking to a woman," Serizo said in response to Cristina Garcia Tirado, a reporter for the Quattro station.

Garcia played down the comment and said that Cerrozu was "a wonderful and courteous person" and was always expressing his respect for her and for the women.

"The president was not good at expressing himself, but he usually shows respect for me and I think it's a slip of the tongue and he did not think about the answer," Garcia told Reuters.

"It's true that he sometimes flirts without thinking about the consequences, but he does not want to hurt me but wants to make me smile always."