Emirati filmmakers stressed the importance of the existence of Emirati cinema and its interaction with events and film activities. The UAE film production, which has crystallized over the past years, is capable of imposing its presence and representing the UAE in big forums. Many of those working in this creative industry were a real platform for their work. In addition, they were the starting point for their work to participate in Arab and international festivals, for which the UAE film no longer has a tangible presence. , But many of them are monitored remotely.

Emirates Al-Youm interviewed a number of Emirati filmmakers and writers about how they feel about the absence of their biggest hosts, especially with the start of the film festival season across the Arab world.

Does not exist

UAE filmmaker and writer Abdullah al-Junaibi, whose film "Kimra" won the Emiri Best Director award at the 14th edition of the Dubai Film Festival, said that "the UAE film is actually not there to feel sad or hurt." "It is better to leave this subject in the category of dreams, and to move strongly to the conviction that our film industry is a fantasy," he said. , And who has the passion to appear and fame, whatever the content of his message, it August to Alsocheal Media, it is cheaper financially, technically and culturally », stressing« culture has become an expensive game at a time when the number became (Filorz) is the goal whatever the price ».

Start the season

"The festival season began in the cities of the world, we are no longer one of those cities that celebrate cinema," wrote the UAE scenarist Mohamed Hassan Ahmed. "After the light of these festivals, the film competition from the UAE, the Gulf Film Festival, the Abu Dhabi Film Festival, Dubai Film Festival.

Search for solutions

"The subject of the absence of Emirati cinema this year, which coincides with the absence of the Dubai Film Festival and before it many festivals, makes it imperative for us as Emirati filmmakers to seek a solution," said UAE director Raouya Abdullah, who is currently studying film studies in Paris. The production of the film itself, which made all the bear and bear and carries a camera calling itself the title of director, is the reason for the lack of confidence of the competent authorities, and the absence of support confirms that no confidence in the local product, so we could not the moment to export a star tickets, "She said:" There is no doubt that the majority of filmmakers In particular, those who have concerns in the film industry are suffering and feel lonely, especially with the absence of their films in other cinemas and other Arab festivals, but this should make us look for reasons and work seriously to improve what we offer to match the value of our country. "We do not lack anything to present an important film, and I personally want to make a film that reaches globalism. Cinema has no boundaries."


"I feel that when I see Arab and international festivals around us and we are without festivals, Kalitim has lost his parents," said UAE author, producer and actor Abdullah Al-Humeiri, whose film Sarmad took part in the official short film competition at the Arab Film Festival in Paris this year. "These festivals were the only window that we filmmakers under one umbrella, to see through them and taste the cinema, either by adopting our works and displaying them on the giant screen or by presenting great works from around the world; Yeh ». "This is a great opportunity for all Emirati filmmakers to rethink what cinema means to them and what they want to achieve in this area," he said optimistically. "For me, I started I plan to go into commercial cinema and start entering this market, "he said, citing two reasons. The first is that the current supply seriously harms the reputation of the UAE cinema, and I do not exaggerate. There is something good, but what provokes me is that there are experiments that are not suitable for presentation. The experience is like this and as a product of the UAE cinema, then it is attributed to us all failures. " And I think that the natural reaction to us as real film makers is to try to show the UAE public the real cinema, although it takes a lot of effort and also a lot of money, but we stood so hand-in-hand with the rest to discredit the filmmakers' In a short time. "The second reason is that we need to prove our existence as Emirati filmmakers in our ability to get our films to the big international forums, and this will not come without working." Al-Humeiri stressed that "the movement of commercial cinema may generate mobility for film culture in the country, May generate motion cinema So there will be room for making technical films from the proceeds of commercial cinema, and will also increase the number of people interested in participating in the film industry, because the increase in demand will increase the number of supply, thus income will be available to those who want to industry and devote to it.


"The Emirati filmmaker must interact and be present, both in local and foreign film activities and activities," says UAE director and writer Manal Ben Amro. "The director is not connected to his presence or his production, regardless of its importance and necessity, adapting to the current reality of the UAE film scene, "Unfortunately, the local cinematic situation is slowly declining, and this is happening on a continuous basis for several reasons, but this is not the case," he said. "I believe that all of the Emirati cinematic experience has qualified filmmakers well to make individual and collective efforts towards cinema. Whatever the local cinema situation there are many opportunities and areas, We can keep the film field alive, creative and productive, "she said." It would be appropriate to seriously pursue the project of the Film Society in an official way, since its presence was long gone, but efforts were beginning to fade away, This association will give an official character to the participation and activities of UAE filmmakers. "


The UAE film audience has become clear in the last two years, specifically for the UAE film, the novelist and the novelist, not to mention several short films, with a variety of topics dealt with the UAE film, and openly discussed everything that goes in the individual's mind and society through the same story and the evolution of events, Many films have come out of the womb of the Dubai Film Festival and other film festivals.

Nujoom Al Ghanim, who became the godfather of the documentary industry in the UAE, received her best-selling film "Punching Machines" at the Dubai Film Festival last year. She competed in several other film festivals, such as Cairo Film Festival, Oran and others. He won the Muhr Award for best director at the Dubai Film Festival in 2015, which made him think about going to the film industry, especially after his film reached several festivals and won prizes, and many other names of Emirati directors were able to achieve Attendees.

• Local festivals have been a global platform for UAE experiences.