The Emirates Foundation for Literature has announced that its "Reasons for Hope" tickets will be hosted by the world's leading expert on wildlife (chimpanzees in particular), Jean Godol, one of the leading environmental conservatives, within a few hours after the launch.

The Foundation was pleased to respond quickly, and promised its audience many of the promising sessions at the Emirates Airline Festival, which begins in March, and will be put tickets for sale to the public the day after tomorrow.

"We urge everyone to take advantage of the feature menu on our website, which enables the public to buy tickets quickly, at 12:00 pm on Saturday. It is better to join the Friends of the Foundation program to get the priority of booking, starting from the ninth of this month (yesterday) ».

"We are very pleased to see a lot of interest in the Jane Goodall session, which shows that we are a community that is very interested in preserving the environment in which we share life," she said.

The program of the festival includes many sessions and discussions on important topics, and embraces an elite of writers and creators.

The festival hosts youth-focused events and family workshops, with interactive themes on sustainability, health, well-being and many topics, and hosts more than 170 writers from around the world.

"Good Luck" will be held at the DIFC Conference Hall at the DIFC Conference Hall at the DIFC Conference Hall on June 19th. Gudol, renowned for her research on wild chimpanzees and her behavior at the Gombe Reserve in Tanzania , Her educational program in the UAE «Roots and Baram», and will talk about her childhood, and her scientific trip and field experience in Africa, which lasted more than 40 years. It will also discuss the future of biodiversity, challenges to the survival of natural habitats, and the battle against illegal wildlife trade.

• 19 June The event will be organized in the DIFC Conference Hall.