The natural or organic pool is an eco-friendly alternative to traditional pools. Diving in a natural pond respectful of health and the environment ...

Bathing is often considered a moment of relaxation and absolute lightness that nothing must taint. Even less the temperature or the quality of the water! While ecological and environmental concerns are becoming a daily priority, what about swimming in a pool?

Why favor the installation of an ecological swimming pool?

Conventional basins have been regularly singled out because of the use of chlorine, disinfectants and other oxidants. Products whose impact on health and the environment is worrying.

The natural pool is born from this observation and aims to find the benefits of water from the spas. The goal: to bathe in pure water, clear and transparent, in the comfort of a developed environment.

It is there, from the total absence of chemical additives, that comes all the particularity of the biological basin. The water is purified through an ecosystem responsible for ensuring balance naturally.

In practice, how does a natural or ecological swimming pool work?

The general idea of ​​the natural pool is to plant macrophytes (aquatic plants) that rid the water of its organic particles. In addition to their technical function, these plants create a bucolic setting ideally integrated into a landscaped garden.

Of course, this subtle balance between land and water requires all the experience and expertise of a phyto-plantation professional. It is, indeed, an aquatic garden which rests on 3 distinct zones: a zone of bathing, a zone of lagooning and a zone of regeneration.

The bathing area

The swimming area, or swimming pool, can take any form. On the ground, a liner covers the concrete. The opportunity to reproduce the appearance of a water point (lake, pond, etc.) to play the natural map with curves and a dark coating.

Lagooning and regeneration zones

The lagoons and regeneration areas are similar to the lungs of the biological pool. They work as a 100% organic purification system. The first zone filters the impurities and the second oxygenates the water before releasing it. Shallow and lined with pebbles, the regeneration basin completes the treatment of the water and also ensures its warming.

The idea is to plant aquatic plants that rid water of its organic particles. | CC0 Creative Commons

In these parts, the plants are selected in coherence with the climate for their qualities. Plants purifying (rushes, water hyacinths, reed, etc.), oxygenating (hippuris, elodea, aquatic buttercup, etc.) and decorative (water lily, lotus, papyrus, etc.). A set that surrounds the swimming pool and helps to create a soothing place in harmony with its environment.

Another element of the success of lagooning: the circulation of water. It is essential to the absence of algae. Waterfalls, brewers, fountains, pumps, contribute to obtain an optimal filtration system.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of a natural pool?


The construction of an ecological swimming pool has important advantages: a better water quality, a bathing close to nature, no chlorine or chemicals, a favored ecosystem, an incomparable aesthetic in summer and winter and easy maintenance.

At present, no building permit is required for natural catchments with an area of ​​less than 100 m2. Unlike conventional pools, a declaration of work near the town hall is enough.

Good to know: a traditional pond can be transformed into an ecological pool by adding the two lagoon areas.

The inconvenients

It should be noted that the project to build a natural swimming pool is, on average, 20% more expensive than a traditional project. An expense offset in the long run by maintenance savings.

Other factors must be taken into account. This is the evaporation of water and the operation of the pump which increases the electricity bill. Similarly, sunscreens could compromise the balance of microfauna and microflora. It is also necessary to maintain a temperature below 24 ° C.

And if it is not useful to have a large garden, the presence of the three zones requires a sufficient installation surface.

The natural pool, pleasure of the body and eyes?

Beyond the practical considerations, the natural or biological swimming pool corresponds to another way of conceiving the bathing. More than a relaxing product, it's a quest for the essentials, a return to basics, a state of mind. A philosophy of life that directly links the body to the elements in a respectful and harmonious "everything".

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