Regular alcohol consumption among adolescents in Germany continues to decline. According to a study by the Federal Center for Health Education (BZgA), among the 12 to 17-year-olds, less than one in ten (8.7 percent) drinks at least once a week. The BZgA relies on data from the year 2018.

Thus, a new low was reached in 2018, in 2004, more than one in five (21.2 percent) had consumed more than once a week alcohol. While consumption declines overall, however, the drinking behavior changes - in excess.

According to the study, more young adults aged 18 to 25 drink into intoxication again. More than 37.8 percent of respondents said they would drink five glasses or more on one occasion a day in 30 days prior to the interview. Previously, the number of intoxicants had declined for a long time.

"It's not okay to drink too much alcohol"

The Drug Commissioner of the Federal Government, Marlene Mortler (CSU), said that the figures were pleasing overall. For young adults, there is a trend that should be slowed down. "Adulthood does not mean that it's alright to drink too much alcohol."

The goal must be to achieve a conscious approach to life. Therefore, it depends on further education. For the biennial study, about 7,000 people between the ages of 12 and 25 were interviewed by the Forsa Institute from April to June 2018 nationwide.