"The most beautiful goals," the beautiful Mehmet Scholl once remarked, "are the ones in which the ball goes in a nice flat top." Goals are not just an elementary part of the competition in football. They can also be of such impressive aesthetics or brute precision that they can be enjoyed for the umpteenth time 40 years later. YouTube is quite rightly overloaded with compiled goal compilations, and the big heroes of this sport remain the scorers in the age of tactical declaring.

Goals have also provoked wars in the history of football or, as in the case of Colombian own scorer Andrés Escobar, resulted in murders. One day presents the most beautiful and important goals of football history - in a course of course completely subjective selection. The endlessly fiddling Maradona, Gascoigne's dentist chair hit, Messi's 500th goal for his FC Barcelona.

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Eleven dream goals: Gooooooooooal!

There are eleven goals that lifted the football world from its hinges. Many will be missing, but that is also the beauty of scoring: You can never get enough of it.